Johnny: "Sure, I love new movies!"

*Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis walk in and sit on couches*

Harvey: "They're here! The real movie stars!"

Johnny: "The biggest band on the planet!"

Harvey: "Oh, right they are. I love The Direction. Come on in guys, take a seat!"

Johnny: "Can I just say what huge fans we are of you guys?"

Harvey: "Huge! Niall, Louis, Liam, Harry, Zach,"

Zayn: "It's Zen,"

Harvey: "Sure, whatever you say big guy."

Johnny: "We cannot wait for this movie, It's gonna be the greatest movie of all time! I'm talking academy awards!"

Harvey: "Emmy's! BAFTAS! Have you ever seen Forrest Gump?"

Harry: "Sure,"

Johnny: "Better than that! Have you seen The Hangover?"

Liam: "Yeah,"

Johnny: "Funnier than that."

Harvey: "Have you seen Titanic?"

Niall: "'Course."

Harvey: "Sadder than that."

Zayn: "Sounds okay."

Johnny: "It's better than okay Zach, It's award winning!"

Harvey: "We wanna introduce you to our marketing guy, Marcel! Marcel!"

*Marcel walks in*

Marcel: "Oh, hi!"

Harvey: "Here he is! He's going to run you through some thoughts for the movie."

Marcel: "Really nice to meet you guys! I'm a huge fan! Cute as a button every single one of you! First scene, I'm talking massive dance number, I'm thinking a hundred dancers, fireworks, the lot! Dance is so hot right now!"

Harvey: "Hey, you know I used to be a dancer."

Johnny: "Really? What kind?"

Harvey: "Eh, mainly tap. "

Johnny: "Mmm, you got the shape for that,"

Marcel: "I want you to meet Leeroy, he's going to be your choreographer, Leeroy!"

*Leeroy comes in*

Leeroy: "Hi boys! Okay, so here's what I'm thinking. First open number is going to be really big, stay with me cuz I'm quite quick five, six, seven, eight and one,, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and Niall, for the shimmy, for the shimmy, for the shimmy, and Zayn pirouette, and Louis do the splits, and Liam you stay exactly where you are because you are per-fect!"

Louis: "We'd never do that."

Leeroy: "Oh."

Marcel: "So, that's something for us to work on, thanks Leeroy. So, let's take a look at some of the styling options for the film. Now, personally I think this one is the one."

*Marcel shows a photo*

Harry: "Absolutely not,"

Louis: "We'd never wear that,"

Marcel: "Right, how about this one?"

*Shows another one*

Liam: "No."

Marcel: "It tested really well."

Zayn: "Never in a million years,"

*Marcel puts last one up*

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