step one; don't stare at the stoner

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step one; don't stare at the stoner

At one point in my life, I wanted to be popular. Having everyone envy you and want to be you seemed pretty cool to my ten-year-old self. In elementary school I tried to become friends with the cool boys who called themselves 'The Posse'. I'm not sure where they came up with the nickname or why everybody else went along with it and called them that, but they were the popular guys and everyone knew it. Eventually though, instead of wanting to be a popular, I wanted to destroy the populars. That was my middle school stage. Now all I want is to get away from the populars.

But as of now, I still have an entire year of high school left until I finally rid the bitches and jocks for good. And I'm sure they're planning on making this school year the most party filled, drug overloaded, slack off year yet. It is senior year after all. And senioritis is a real disease.

One great enough to blame for sudden grades drops, multiple misses of school, and most of all – the ‘I just don't give a fuck anymore’ line.

Which seems to be the only thing anybody in my American Government class can say anymore.

"I don't give a fuck about the test, dude. I'm gonna fail anyway."

How ironic.

“Nah dude, everyone’s gonna fail. It’s like, who cares about government anyway?”

            God, academic classes. Any time you take an academic class, you get stuck with the idiots and chronically stupid kids. At least in honors and APs, the jocks can read at above a third grade level. But in academic, these fuckers don’t give two shits about whatever the hell the teacher is talking about.

I mean, neither do I, but at least I have the decency to make it look like I do.

            And right now, Matt Thompson and Andrew Quincy were talking shit about American Government, obviously not realizing that our teacher could blatantly hear them.

            Matt Thompson and Andrew Quincy were in the part of the popular crew I liked to call the ‘fuck ups’. Basically full time stoners who also happened to be unfortunately stupid no matter how hard they tried. They associated with all the populars, but by just looking at them; you knew exactly what type of person they were. Whether you call them a stoner or a fuck up or a deadbeat, it all leads to the same thing. They’re going nowhere in life.

            It might seem harsh at first, but stoners just have no capability to understand the simplest shit. And I have plenty of proof.

“Well, to answer your question Andrew, a lot of people care about the government. It is a very important part of our society. Our everyday lives would not be able to function properly without it.” My teacher looked like he wanted to continue, but stopped and shook his head.

            Even the teachers knew trying to get though to the slackers was pointless.

            Andrew mumbled something incomprehensible to Matt, who simply laughed in response. My teacher didn’t even bother commenting and instead went back to his desk to work on grading our review worksheets that a majority of the class most likely failed.

            I rolled my eyes at their stupidity, and tried to focus on the calculus homework I didn’t do last night.

“Dude, look who it is.” Matt nodded his head, pointing to the student who had just entered the classroom.

“Dude,” Andrew smirked, “Look who finally decided to show up. Guess he didn’t make it in Hollywood, huh.”

            Anyone who had heard the remark burst out laughing, despite the obvious fact that it wasn’t funny at all. I looked over to Carl to see if he had heard, but he gave no indication that he had. He was talking to the teacher.

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