Cory Monteith

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I heard about Cory's death at the same time everybody else did. I didn't really know a lot about him when he died, but I was very upset about it. Losing someone that young isn't easy for anybody. I had no idea who he really was, but there was something about him that shook my mind.

After I heard about his death, I went onto Netflix and decided to watch Glee. I wanted to see what it was about. I didn't get very far though because I had to turn it off just a few minutes into the first episode. Then, after I left for college and moved into my dorm, I decided to watch it again. This time there would be no one to stop me. I watched Glee every chance I got. There was something about the characters that kept me hooked onto the show.

Finn was the first character that stood out to me. It took some time for me to warm up to him, but once I did me became one of my favorite characters. There was something about him that I just fell in love with. He was so sweet and nice to everyone. Even after just a few weeks, I had felt like I had been watching Glee forever. It's what I look forward to every week.

But there's something missing. And we all know what it is. Glee isn't the same without Cory. Even just watching episodes where he isn't showed a lot bothered me. I felt like I could relate to him better than the others. I don't know why. I could feel his pain. I've been through the same things he has. Not the same situations, but similar. My mom got divorced and re-married a couple times. I wasn't a perfect student academically. Being in band and music put me at the bottom of the heap at one of my high schools. Stuff like that.

Through Finn, I was able to see that I could make it through all of this and still be strong. That no matter what I can still win at something and it doesn't even matter what that is.

“I'm not afraid to be called a loser because I can accept that's what I am.”

That quote has completely changed me. It made me realize tha I shouldn't be afraid of who I am. That's what Finn was all about to me. Showing me that I don't need to worry about what others think of me. If I want to achieve anything, I have to accept who I am first. If we all do that, we'll be unstoppable.

I miss Cory so much. And it absolutely pains me that I didn't know about how much of an inspiration he was before he died. I'm going to miss him a lot. More than people realize, but the memories I have of him are still alive and I can't let them die. Because he didn't die..He took the midnight train going anywhere.

I love you, Cory. RIP...

Cory MonteithWhere stories live. Discover now