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September 1936

"Must be lovely working here right?" Harry asked, a cheeky little grin on his dimpled face.

Since that day in July when he consoled her, he felt an immediate bond. Both he and Rose became friends.

Each day, without his father the sixteen-year-old would go meet the cute girl at the pub. Memorizing her usual schedule, and what time the creeps would be around. He felt the need to protect her, so that was his aim.

"Oh yeah, it's the best." She laughed, rolling her eyes. 

"Well, you luckily have this weekend off don't ye'? Maybe we can go to the cinemas together?" He suggested, the overly confident boy finally overwhelmed with nerves.

Blushing Rose would look down at the table she was cleaning off. 

"Harry, I would love to, I really would. I just don't have the money for it." She told him, her eyes glazing over with tears she felt like spilling.

With her father's condition acting up, she knew she would have to come clean with her job and how her family was mysteriously making money. 

"No, Rose. It's my treat, I'm paying." He said, knowing the condition of the beautiful girls' life. 

All the conversations they had during her short five minute breaks paid off. 

"Let me ask my folks and I'll get back to you." She smiled, gently placing her hand on his shoulder and giving it a firm squeeze. 

"I'll have you an answer by tomorrow, so you better be here." She giggled, finally feeling an unfamiliar feeling overcome her. 

"Where else would I be darling?" He questioned, sending a wink her way. 

"This is my favourite place because I get to spend time with you." He said cheekily, causing poor Roses' cheeks to turn a deep red.

"Would you like a water Harry?" She asked, causing the cheeky brunette to nod and feel at awe. Loving the way she spoke his name, he knew he was absolutely smitten with the blonde.

"That would be love darling." He nodded and stayed put in the area she had finished cleaning.

Despite only being sixteen, he was mature. His features were prominent, the way he spoke in itself would speak volumes of his class. No wander why ladies of later ages adored the young boy, too bad he was falling for a poor young girl who was growing up way too fast for her years.

"Harry, shouldn't you still be at school?" She asked, walking over to the boy and placed a cup of water in front of him.

"I do not start for another few days, what about you love? Why are you not in school?" He questioned, the cheeky smirk still fresh on his flawless face.

Rose did not know how to respond.

For Rose school had started and she would always walk her siblings to school, yet she would never attend any of her classes.

"I have a tutor, it is my English teacher, she knows of my situation so she had offered to help me." She shrugged, wiping the dirt off her forehead as she sat in front of him.

"Harry, love, may I ask why both you and your father come to this pub? Two well-respected men in this dingy part of town?" Beckoned Rose, her bright lips being pulled between her teeth.

Harry nodded, listening intently to her words. "Robin is my step father love." He corrected gently, smiling at her and gently resting his hand upon hers.

"Well, he came into my life when I was younger and he was not always this well off. He used to come to this place every day, so he tells me. So, I guess it has just been some type of tradition for him and I both." He explained casually, his thumb gently rubbing over her knuckles.

"I'm just glad that I've met you." She admits, her cheeks turning bright pink.

"I am too." He said, holding her small hand up to his lips and gently kissed it.

This only made the stinging in her cheeks intensify. "Well, it's getting late Haz, I think you should head home love." She told him, ruffling up his curly locks with a giggle.

Hearing the cutest thing, he'd nod. "Let me walk you home, it's late and the creeps are out." 

She nodded, glad that she had someone who really cared about her wellbeing.

"Are you sure?" She double checked, she did not want him feeling obligated to. 

"Yes, in fact, every day that you work late and I am here with you, I will walk you home my love."

1930 | Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now