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Life is funny. You remember the bad times when you don't want to, the good times when you alone. Memories are funny, you can keep them forever, untill you grow up and you just can't remember.

That's doesn't happen in my case. I remember everything that I have read, looked at or simply heard since I was like three.

I'm at the top of my senior class and I live alone, all alone. My name is Elizabeth Cameron, I go by Cameron.

I have long black hair and green eyes. I don't really have many friends at all, just two.

I go to Virginia high school of Criminology. I'm studying to be a profiler in the BAU. I could graduate with a degree soon but I want to go to college with my friends.

I sat down in my usual seat of the far left corner in the back closest to the back exit with my friends Jason and Chloe. After the class got quiet Mrs. Mason started.

"Good morning class, as you know agents from the BAU are coming today to talk about profiling and what it's like in the field. Please be nice." She said. One of the seven agents stepped forward.

"Hello, I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner, this is, SSA Derek Morgan, SSA Dr.Spencer Reid, SSA Jennifer Jareau, SSA David Rossi, SSA Emily Prentiss , and our technical analyst Penelope Garcia." He pointed to each agent before getting started.Then agent Morgan took over.

"Today we talk serial killers. Now we do not just focus on serial killers but also kidnap, rape, drug deals, and murder. But today we talk about serial killers. You know Jeffrey Dahmer, Jack the Ripper, Ted Bundy, and John Wayne Gacy. Does anyone know Charles Albright? Joe Ball? Herb Baumeister? Robert Berdella?" I knew them, but I didn't raise my hand. Chloe elbowed me. I glared at her.

At the end of the lesson we packed up our stuff to leave.

"Cameron, can you stay after please?" Mrs. Mason asked. I nodded and went to her desk.

"Yes Mrs. Mason?" I asked her.

"Well first off a week ago you gave me a report on Robert Berdella, tell me about him."

"Robert Andrew "Bob" Berdella born January 31, 1949-died October 8, 1992 was an American serial killer in Kansas City, Missouri who raped, tortured, and killed at least six men between 1984 and 1987. Berdella was apprehended on April 2, 1988. By that time, he had abducted and tortured at least six young men, and the Kansas City Police Department suspected him in two other disappearances. Berdella died of a heart attack in 1992 at Jefferson City Correctional Center, after writing letters to a minister claiming the prison officials were not giving him his heart medication."

"Great, and I have pulled some strings, as you know I have friends in the BAU and over course I brag about my smartest students and the are greatly impressed with you. I have made it so you can train in the office and possibly in the field. Since you will be getting your PhD in criminology soon."

"I told you. I want to go to college with my friends, but tell them I said thanks for the offer." She frowned a bit

"You sure?"

"Yes" I nodded. "See you Monday." Since it was my last class I went to my locker with my friends waiting for me.

"What did she want?" Chloe asked. I opened my locker.

"Nothing really." I lied. Only few people know of my gift.

"Oh hey freaks." We heard a voice say. It was Lisa, she hates me. She pushed me against my locker.

"Hey!" Chloe yelled. She tried to jump at Lisa but Jason held her back.

"You know Elizabeth, there's a little contest coming up here. A singing contest. I think maybe you could sign up. Just for fun." She said.

"I would love to but I haven't sung in a long time."

"Oh, well, why is that?" I glared at her.

"Well this conversation has been wonderful but I-" I was cut off when she punched me. I fell to the ground.

"Cameron!" I heard Jason yell. He and Chloe ran to my side. Lisa walked off.

"Why does she hate you?" Jason asked hugging me. Chloe had gone to get a teacher.

"I don't know Jace." I hugged him back. He was a muscular and handsome with blonde hair and brown eyes. Him and Chloe were twins. They look a lot alike, but can't be more different.

I walked home alone that day, as I do every day. It's always so peaceful even with the city nosie. I stopped by a local bridge. I always stop by this bridge. I looked down at the rushing water.

After a couple minutes I continued to walk to my apartment. I lived alone in my two bedroom apartment. My I live off money from my part time job and money my parents left me.

In one room is my profile room. I have a miniature forensics lab and miniature computer lab. I have white board to stick and write things on. In this room I practice my profiling.

I had solved cases before and called the tip line telling them who it was. But I covered my tracks. I get my evidence from the news and hacking into BAU system. That might be illegal, oh well.

I sat on my couch since today was my day off. I turned on Netflix and put on Sherlock. I love this show. Chloe says I'm like Sherlock, my profiling skill. I called her.

"Hey." She answered.

"Chloe I'm lonely." I whined.

"Carmon I'm hungry." She said sarcastically.

"Screw you."I laughed then she joined.

"I'm sorry." She wheezed. "Well I'm home alone I can get come over?" She said after she finished laughing.

"Then that solves both our problems."

"How? I'm still hungry?"

"I just bought a huge bag of smarties." I heard running.

"I'm coming don't worry friend I will be there no need to be lonely I-"

"See you soon Chloe!" I hung up and laughed. I went it to my kitchen and grabbed the giant bag of smarties. I love me friends.

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