Queen of hearts

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The sequel.

The horsemen had fled.
They fled back to the shadows,
While the FBI hunted them down.
People wandering the streets asked themselves,
Where had theses great magicians gone.

The answer.....no where.

They walked among them, in the shadows and in the light.
People would pass them and never think twice.
People said they vanished, but did they really?

The five horsemen were all together just not in the spotlight.
They waited and waited for commands from the eye.
To start their next heist, but all they got in reply was,

The eye has a plan. Be patient.

Then the bickering started, the fights, the disagreement.
The five horsemen were slowly falling apart.
Then five noble horsemen......became four.

Henley Reeves was gone,
She was tired, tired of waiting for a simple command from the eye.
So she gave up, she left without so much as a goodbye.

A while after they finally receive their next heist.
A master plan to fool many.
But will they really trick people? Or will it be their turn to be tricked.


THE SEQUEL YAY!!!!! I'm so excited I've been wanting to write this for so long. Are u guys pumped?? Cause I am!!!! Get ready for some new tricks, drama, action and especially love 😏
You guys are all so amazing so I'm really going to put a lot of effort into this book so you guys enjoy. Btw the image above is just a little poster I made.

 Queen of Hearts   (Now You See Me) Daniel Atlas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now