A Joke Gone Wrong, a oneshot (maybe)

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Skulker was having a bad night. Consequently, so was team Phantom.

It had started out alright, for Skulker, at least.

He had just finished adding a few new features to his weapons arsenal, when he had the sudden urge to hunt down his most elusive and powerful prey, Danny Phantom, and skin him for his pelt to hang on Skulker's wall. The possibility of being able to test his newly-equipped weapons on the annoying little whelp was extremely tempting.

And with that sudden urge, and with almost no thought put into it altogether, he jetpacked out of his and Embers lair in the ghost zone. He shouted his reason for leaving the house at 3 am to his fiery girlfriend, once again ignoring her disgusted face as he made his way to the Fenton portal.

Skulker had flown around Amity, breaking stuff just to piss Phantom off and lure him out. True, he could've just barged into Phantom's room and, since the half ghost was an incredibly light sleeper due to the paranoia that had been ingrained in him due to about a year of ghost fighting, he would've been up and running and hopefully Skulker's for the taking. But Skulker had learned that the more irritated the whelp was, the worse he fought. Mind you, sometimes he fought even more vigorously when he was peeved, but vigorously isn't always a good thing.

And what was a sure-fire way to piss the whelp off? Start randomly breaking storefront windows at three in the morning, then demanding his pelt. Skulker laughed to himself as a pathetic human locking up his pathetic McDonald's almost peed his pathetic pants as Skulker threw his metallic fist into the window.

He kept going like that for about 2 more minutes until he noticed something flashing in the moonlight on the ground in front of some resturaunt dubbed "The Nasty Burger" (how that place got any business Skulker would never know) and bent down to pick it up.

It was a lone green earphone, of sorts. It looked like it could be worn as some kind of weird techno-goth fashion statement. Suddenly it crackled with static, making Skulker jump. "Hello? Spider Venom? Techno-geek? Ya there?" A very familiar voice crackled out of the speaker in the earbud. And that's when Skulker realized. It was a communication device.

For Team Phantom.

This is good...Skulker thought. Now I can spy on whatever they are saying...mwahahaha!!

And precisely at that moment was when his night turned sour.

"Uh Skulker?? Is that you? You do know you said that out loud right?" A female voice chimed in his ear, sounding like she was trying to hold back laughter. The other two insufferable teenagers, however, were emmiting crazed laughter from their insufferable mouths on the other end.

Oh, curse his lack of filter.


Danny was initially having a bad night. He woke up at three goddamn am with Tucker yelling at him through the Fenton phones to get the hell up because Skulker was destroying multiple windows by his house.

He had just gone to sleep 10 minutes ago. Danny honestly couldn't catch a break. Not all week. Looks like he was going to pull yet another all-nighter.

For the seventh day in a row.

Ghost fighting was getting a little too overwhelming for the young half ghost. The bags under his eyes had bags. His clothes were constantly rumpled. His skin was more pale than usual in human form and he hadn't showered since the first sleepless night in his now record-breaking week-long insomnia trip.

"Cheese logs," Danny swore as he tripped over a pile of unfinished homework while on his way to the window. His eyes then widened in shock and horror, body freezing in about-to-trip position. Did...he just swear in...dairy-themed pastries? No, this wasn't happening. Danny shook his head furiously, righting himself and promptly transforming into his ghost half, letting the two rings of light wash over him. Either he was spending way too much time fighting Vlad, or he was more sleep-deprived than he originally thought. Probably both, He thought, jumping out his bedroom window and taking flight into the clear night sky.

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