The Crew of 4 Plus 2

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The light from the warp pad shines bright as the Crystal Gems appear in the Kindergarten. They look around and see everything as it was from the last time they've been there. Garnet steps off the pad first and begins to walk forward. Everyone else follows her lead and walks around.
"Pearl. Are you sure a drill was activated?" Asks Garnet.

"Of course! Look at my-"

"I'll look at the program later. Right now we need to find that activated drill and shut it down, permanently."

"Hey, I have an idea! Why don't we split up? Amethyst, you go with Garnet, and I'll go with Pearl. It can be like a race! The first one who finds the drill gets a prize!" Steven interjected.
Garnet just nods and they pair up and walk in different directions.

"Now," starts Pearl as she and Steven walk through an unknown part of the Kindergarten, "Stay close to me you may never know what's out there."
Just then a loud, "Whoa!" was heard coming from their right. They cautiously proceeded towards where they heard the sound. As they got closer more and more voices can be heard. They looked around the corner only to find 6 strange gems, all of different types gathered around one gem in particular that was sitting next to an activated drill.
Pearl gasped, "They're trying to restart the Kindergarten!" She whisper yelled to Steven. Steven just looked at the 6 gems who seemed content within each other's company. "I don't know..., " he said, "They don't look like they're trying to do anything to me."

"That because you're still young Steven. They're obviously working for Homeworld and trying to destroy this wonderful planet." Pearl then summoned her weapon.
"Pearl wait! I think we should talk to them first-" Steven started, but his words had fallen on deaf ears. Pearl ran straight at the gems and destroyed the light body of an almost transparent white gem before bubbling it and sending it back to the temple. The other gems tried to help their friends and some of the gems tried to fight. Garnet and Amethyst arrived on the scene and looked at what was happening.
"Garnet, Amethyst, we need to-" Once again Steven tried to talk to his friends, but they didn't listen and joined the fight. All of the unknown gems were bubbled and sent back to the temple and the drill was destroyed.
Steven, full of anger and sadness returned to the warp pad with the others. "I'm sorry Steven," said Garnet, "but it had to be done. Those gems were dangerous-"

"But that's just it! We don't know if they were really dangerous or not. We just attacked them and bubbled them. Some of them were trying to run away, but you still attacked them. Why?" Steven yelled. By now his voice has cracked and tears started to form in his eyes. No one said anything as they warped back to the temple. Steven running to his room as soon as they got there. Everyone just went to their own room and left Steven as he was.

Later that Night

Steven got out of bed and went into the temple and found the 6 bubbled gems and popped them. They all reformed into their light bodies and looked around confused, curious, and slightly scared. They all huddled close to each other before staring at Steven. Waiting for him to do something.
"I'm sorry that my friends bubbled you guys. I'm Steven, Steven Universe and you all are?" Steven asked.

A shiny dark grey gem who was wearing something that looked like a baggy T-shirt and jeans, waved to Steven with a matching gem on the palm of his right hand and said, "I'm Hematite."
Next was a pale gem that was white and sort of transparent on her forehead. She wore a loose crop top tank and shorts, her long hair swayed behind her as she shuffled closer to Hematite. "I'm Selenite," she said then squeezed the hand of a dark almost black gem and sent her an almost encouraging look.
The dark gem, whose gem was on her chest like Amethyst, had her black hair with white-ish grey highlights to the right of her head. She wore a loose dance tank top with extra straps below the shoulders and black cargo shorts. "I-I'm Onyx," she said in a small voice.
A pretty blue gem whose gem was on her bellybutton and wore black pants, black 2 inch heels, a red crop top, and a black leather jacket and had really short hair, spoke up. "I'm Aquamarine, but everyone calls me Aqua." She pulls a smallish pale gem, whose gem is transparent and changed colors based on the angles towards her.
He wore a longish ectoplasmic green shirt, khaki cargo shorts, and sneakers, and what we would call an emo hair cut. Aqua once again started to speak, "This is Andalusite," then she pointed to the last gem who was dark green and seemed as if he was too busy looking around to pay attention. "And that's Emerald."
The green gem's head snapped in Aqua's direction hearing his name.
Aqua spoke again," And together we're the Crew of 4 plus 2!"

KindergartnersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora