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#1 Oh hey! My name is Reiko Natsume. You probably guessed by my name that yes, my parents are from Japan. I am a fangirl and i'm not afraid to show it, trust me. Foaming at the mouth in the corner of a dark room and exploding with feels is something i do on a daily basis *winks*. terms of fandoms my largest obsessions are Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and Sherlock. But i'm also into the phantom. Damn auto correct, I meant phantom. UGHHHH Phantom. WHY YOU DO DIS TO MEH PHONE phanDom. Okay okay you get it. I'm done- Oh wait! My appearance. Oh god I wish I looked like Emma Watson. But no imma potato with a metallic blue pixie cut

#2 D-does this phone wor- Aha! Heyo it is the one, the only ALEX JACKSON. Great, Basic, name. Oh I envy Reiko. Sooo erm enough with that awkward intro...hehe *sweats*. Wuzzup? (WHA do I say lol this couldn't get any more awkward). Oh ya! Umm yes, fandoms are my reason of living, *mumbles* wait is that proper grammar? BANDS I freaking love bands like Twenty One pilots I mean the clique is everywhere. P!ATD of course. Ryden was my everything until the milk fic...oh god how I regret reading that fic. Okie okie, enough with the ranting *turns red*. OH HOW COULD I FORGET?! UNDERTALE FAM WHERE ARE YUUUUU?! I'm so weird sorry. I have curly short hair, I like to wear band shirts and black skinny- *phone dies*.

#3 Hallo its Adam! I AM SO SO SO SO EXCITED FOR THIS NEW SKOOL (Had to add that bts reference eh?)! I mean whats better than a school for fanfolk?! Its like living a dream lolz. So um should I talk about my fandoms? Well as you already know, I love BTS as well as EXO and Girls Generation. MARRY ME TAEYEON. Oh god I love anime as well...the story lines are amazing and the characters are all so well developed. My favorite include Attack On Titan, Owari No Seraph, Future Diary, Death Note, Soul Eater, OHSHC, and of course Fairy Tail. I love all genres as long as its not hentai (OH GOD PLS NO). If you don't know what that means then don't google it. I repeat...DONT GOOGLE IT PLS I HAVE ENDURED THE SUFFERING ALREADY. Oh ya,, appearance wise I have blonde curly hair, tall and I have the muscle mass of a stick. Ya...bye?

#4 Heyo its your fellow fanboy THEO! So i'm from South Korea. So I do love fandoms! *blushes and turns starry eyed* Kpop is amazing moop >u< Jackson Wang is the most attractive human being in all of existence....except of course Adam. NOPE! I didn't say anything.(Seriously dunt tell anyone pleaseee *blushes*) Umm I also love Supernatural. DESTIEL IS LIFE asjklqjvbdjfedknjbwknkjndqsklml. Hahaha. So what exactly is this "introduction thing" lawlz? Sorry for my weirdness but ye...I'm pretty short for my age. VERY self conscious about it. I wear glasses and button down printed collared stuff. Ahh... I'm bored. Byeoo!

#5 I'M THE MASTER OF MARIO KART! HA! TAKE THAT ALEX!!!! Oh god this thing is on heh. Ya as you already know I love video games. Meh name is Mel Williams. DONT YOU DARE call me Melanie. Its way to "feminine?" you could say. I'm not against blondes or anything...but I decided it was too--basic? Ya, so I decided to go light silver with my hair. Its much better this way :3 I do love video games. O- I already mentioned that *chuckles nervously* World of Warcraft, Undertale, Grand Theft Auto V, Call of Duty. The list could go on and on and on. I'm from Finland. I recently moves to the U.S. and ya...ALSO I LOVE ANIME. Yep...i'm almost out of characters shit...Oh well. BYE for now DUN DUN DUNNNN

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