Mermaid Pirate

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This is a mermaid pirate I drew. Never heard of that one before, have ya?! You have? Oh yeah, obviously NOW ya did. Ok, all jokes aside. Here she is. I tend to make my drawing have a romantic kind of story. I just began drawing for fun like yesterday. But since I was a child I was always into anime, fantasy drawing like angels and princesses and cute stuff, I also liked realistic portraits. But yeah. I'm pretty girly when I draw. So sorry. Oh and even if this is for fun I also want you guys to enjoy it. And once again, I am no where near professional but I will take requests. I will try my absolute best and dedicate it to you if you want. I probably WON'T enter contests because I'm shy and so much work. I'm not very competitive. I think anything creative should be fun and come from the heart not from empty pockets or the thirst for fame and glory. But what others want is not my business. I just do it for fun. The rest can do what they want with their work. Um... I also end up going on and on about things sometimes somewhat unrelatable to the topic or point so sorry. Anyways I hope you like her. I do. Of course it could be better. But it's good enough for now, I suppose.

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