
19 1 1

"Dad, I'm not coming back to Los Angeles this summer. Me and Will are going to Hawaii this weekend. Please school just ended, we need a break from school." I groaned in protest. Clearly dads do not understand how important it is for their teenagers to spend time apart from family sometimes.

"Young Lady! I do not want to hear you talking to me in that manner. Alex already booked and arranged your ticket home and I do not want to hear any of your excuses. Your flight is at 7:30 PM tomorrow night. End of discussion." I could tell Dad was really angry and arguing with him was pointless at this time.

I do appreciate family-time but why couldn't he have discussed it with me first? At least I knew sooner so I could pack or raincheck my trip to Hawaii for another time. Will would be so disappointed.

He had everything arranged already from three months earlier. We was supposed to be celebrating our two years anniversary, meaning he worked hard on it already. Missing out on something like this was not going to be easy.

My stuff was all ready for Hawaii and now, Los Angeles. At least, I can keep some stuff because LA have those beaches too and getting some tan wouldn't hurt. I was too pale for my own good. A little Vitamin D would be good.

The problem was Will. I really wanted to go to Hawaii with him and we have planned it for this long. I tried reasoning with my father once more, knowing the outcome.

"But dad, Will and I-" And right before I could explain, he stopped my sentence.

"Will can wait. This is family time and I'm sure he'll understand. We haven't seen you in so long Avery. Will sees you everyday. You guys can meet up again when you get back." It looks like once again, my WillAvery time is canceled. This is so unfair. Doesn't he understand? Me and Will barely sees each other during school time. We have different class-time and friends therefore the only time we see each other is weekends. And this wasn't any ordinary weekend. It was our anniversary and going to Hawaii was supposed to be perfect.

"Dad, can I at least go to LA next week, please not this week." I really didn't want to come back to Los Angeles this summer but delaying a week would still mean I could go to Hawaii, only in a shorter amount of time but worth it. Maybe our quality time in New York would be wasted but at least I wouldn't skip my own anniversary.

"Avery, I'm not going to remind you again. Your flight is all arranged tommorow at 7:30 PM and you'll be spending the summer with your family." And before I could say more, the phone was closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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