What Do Other People Think?

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Okay, so there's not much in here because I'm just starting it, but hopefully it will grow. Anyway, so far, you guys have only gotten my opinion, so I'm going to make this chapter only about what other people on this site have to say and want to add. If you want to add something to this chapter, just send it to me and I'll post it. I won't change it at all and even if I don't agree with it or I don't like it, I'll post it on here (but I will bleep out cuss words). Basically, this is your chapter to get your voice heard... by the people who read this.

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Email: Writerbug44
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"For finding names (most commonly last names) I will go look at headstones for ideas, but this works for both first and last names. Also, for trying to figure out personality traits of your characters, I will pick random personalities from random people I know. For example, this girl does dance, so I will have my main character do dance, then this boy is shy until you get him talking, so I apply that to the main character as well. Then my character ends up being a shy, but very talkative dancer.Also, for story ideas, I love going to pinterest and finding some writing prompts rhat I like and seeing if I can find anyway to join them together into one promlt for one story. A lot of story ideas can be born from this. Also, one more piece of advice I have used, it's not my own, I got it from somebody else, but it has really helped me, rewrite the entire piece on a separate sheet of paper. Or retype it on a separate document. Rather than just skimming over it, rewrite it. It will help you notice smaller mistakes that you may have just skimmed over before. I've changed almost an entire piece completely by doing so."- BrinnliLamb

"What works for me is, I don't plan ten chapters at once. It's random and when I feel like I'm not ready yet, I take my mind off things ang come back after a few days. It works. It's like a refresher."
- MicroDevil

"I think that if you write when you're hyper- like on a caffiene high or something- your story will be funnier than if you're down in the dumps!"
- Annonymis

"I advise quite a few things if you have a writer's block. Go for a long walk where there is pretty cool scenery – the docks works for me but also just think or mull things over whilst looking at the scenery. Inspiration can come from music a lot and music videos. If you would like to get rid of writer's block I'd also suggest over thinking like think so much that you forget what you started off with, say you're character is famous and the plot is that she falls in love with her enemy when they're on set. So how about thinking about what the movie or play is about and how you think they'd fall in love. Maybe when they're reading their lines and looking into each others' eyes (gosh so corny) or maybe the complete opposite but at a party where they're playing truth or dare or 20 questions or something like that. Yeah so I guess those are a few of my remedies. Hope it works!"
- Morgan_Stone

"My way of writing so it flows and makes sense is to listen to music when you write. The eerie silence makes my brain shut off and makes me want to sleep. It may just be me, but music helps me concentrate. Just popping in earbuds and playing any music (normally quieter so I can hear myself think) makes writing easier and more natural. What could also help writers block is to just go do something and don't think about your story at all. Go eat some food or watch tv or take your dog on a walk. It's not the most creative thing but it works. You can write things based off things that happen to you or your friends or twist events from other books or movies. I know this is long, but I just wanted to help you all a little :) one other thing that helps me is daydreaming in math (which I think most of us do) or staring out the window in science and such. Hope this helped you :)"
- meeegan102

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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