Top Ten

20 2 6

Amaya changed since the walls fell. She wasn't always happy, no longer bubbly. She never saw Eren, Mikasa, or Armin again. She assumed they died because she didn't see them on the boats.

Amaya joined the military. She did good. At least she hoped she did.

Even if Amaya made Top Ten, she wasn't joining the military police. Nope. She is filling out the dream that Eren might never get to accomplish.

The dream she always feared. She was joining the Survey Corps. The Scouting Legion.

10: Torren Yadama!
9: Yui Ruto!
8: Saki Haruka!
7: Kokona Ronshaku!
6: Daria Miyu!
5: Coralina Mesume!
4: Elijah Covington!
3: Esme Eleanor!
2: Jasper Hemmings!
1: Amaya Rio!"

'I made it! I'm number one!' Were her only thoughts.

She thought back in Shingashinga where she was bullied and all. Because she was weak. Because she tried to help Armin.


Amaya curled up in a ball, just wanting for it to be all over.

But it wasn't over.

They insulted her, kicked her.

One day she finally got courage.

She stood up, and she punched the bully in the jaw.

Since then, she was bullied twice as much. She couldn't fight back. Eren and Mikasa always had to save her. She put on a brave face, a smile, and pretended it was not a big deal.

But it hurt her. Pretending to be happy all the time wasn't good for her. During the fall, she broke. She had never been that weak, vulnerable.

But now look at her; she knows how to control her emotions, she can fight back, She's number one.

Her mom had been pregnant during the fall, so now she has a beautiful little sister. But it hurts Amaya so much to look at her eyes. They were green; like her dad and Midori's.

She will survive this. She will help defeat the titans. She will.

After all this is over, she'll go with her mom and finally be happy.

If only that was right now.

Words: 345

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