The Summer Soldier-VI

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The sky was clear and the stars were twinkling bright above. I sat in the grass braiding a flower crown.
"What's that for?" Bucky asked leaning his head on my lap.
I look at him and place it on my head.
"Its a crown, see?"
"And it's almost as pretty as you." He smirks. Showing off the side if him that never really comes out.

'James,' as he calls it.

I lean down to give him a kiss and my crown falls off. He pulls away and picks it up. Standing up and pulling me with him, he placed it on my head, over-dramatically bowing. I shook my head at his childish behavior.
Bucky frowned slightly, before letting a devious smile take over his face. My eyes widened and I took a step back, lameky attempting to get away.
Bucky picked me up and threw me over his shoulder running in large, uneven circles around our blanket.
"Bucky! Put me down!" I screeched
"As you wish!" He set me down on the blanket and sat next to me, head tilted up, watching the stars.
"A shooting star, make a wish, princess." I made a face.
"I wish you stopped calling me princess, we both know you do it to piss me off."
"I know, doll, but you're so adorable when you're angry." I stuck my tongue out at him and reached for the crown next to me. I placed it on his head and leaned into his shoulder.
"Now you're the princess." He chuckled and pulled us down. Laying down with my head on his chest. We were right where we belonged. Together. Doing something completely cliché in a place secluded and quiet.

Sebastian Stan Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن