Chapter 1 : The Forgotten

Start from the beginning

He pulls away and says ,"I figured if he could pack up his things and leave without any of us knowing than he didn't love us enough too tell us he was to fucking scared."

I hug him and ask ,"Two fucking years, Jamie. Two years. I waisted my life with someone who didn't really care. Who didn't really love me like he told me every day. How could I be so fucking stupid? What did I do wrong to deserve this?"

He than says ,"You did nothing. He really did love you. I have first hand experience with that. He couldn't stop talking about you."

I pull back and look up at him. Considering I am 5'7 and he is 6ft and to top it off Aaron is 6'3.

Anyway I pull back and say ,"Why would he leave like this?" He shrugs and says ,"Those will be questions that stay unanswered until he himself answers them."

I turn around and walk out of the school and climb into my car. I have Aaron on speed dail. I call him and to my surprise the phone went to voicemail. That message I dred so much played "Hey it's Aaron King. Call ya when I can. Leave a message after the beep"


I than say ,"Hey, babe. What's going on? Where are you? Why did you leave?"

I put my phone on my lap and drive home. I just can't stand being at school. Not when everyone is asking me all these questions.

I stop at home and get out with just my phone. I walk into the house and just collapsed. I throw my phone in a direction and hit the floor repeatedly and eventually stopping. I pull my knees up, put my arms around them, rest my hands on my knees and cry.

I than hear a familiar voice ask ,"Why are you crying, Cay?" That familiar voice is my older brother. He is four years older than me. He finished college a year ago. He also studied at NYU. That's one of the reasons I want to go there. He studied business management but I am gonna study art.

We are very close and care about one another a lot. We are four children. Franco, is my oldest brother the one kneeling in front of me. My other two siblings are brats to be honest with you. They let my parents money get to them. Unlike Franco who has some sense in his head. He wants to start his own business. He isn't a big fan of my dad.

And to be honest neither am I. If something isn't done the way he wants it to be done he gets pissed off. He is greedy and selfish.

I get ripped out of my thoughts when my brother touches my arm and asks ,"What's going on, Cay?"

I look up and say between sobs ,"Aaron. Is. Gone. He. Left. Me." He than wipes my tears away and says ,"That asshole."

I than again ask between sobs ,"Why. Would. He. Leave. Me. When. He. Promised. He. Wouldn't?"

He shrugs and says ,"It's his loss. I am not gonna let my little sister cry over some arrogant son of a bitch who was to big of a pussy to tell her he is leaving. Your tears aren't worth anyone. You are beautiful and worth so much more."

I stand up off of the ground, get my phone and when I unlock it and see the picture of me and Aaron on my background. I start to cry all over again.

My brother walks over to me and hugs me. I hug him back and between sobs I say ,"It. Just. Hurts. So. Bad." He hugs me tighter and says ,"I know, Cay. I know."

I than say ,"I am gonna go to my room to see if I can get some sleep or just my mind off of things."

He nods, lets me go and I walk up to my room. When I get in my room I shut the door behind me and lock it.

I than sit on my bed look up and ask ,"Why me, God? Why does all the bad things happen to me? Why?" I stand up and look at myself in my full length mirror.

I than tuck my hair behind my ear and say to myself ,"Look at you, Casey. You are a mess. You weren't as loved as you thought you were. You weren't as important as you thought you were. Than you certainly aren't as beautiful as he said you was. Look at you. You are standing in front of a mirror talking to yourself. Crying over a boy is the most pathetic thing a girl can do, yet here you are crying over a fucking boy."

I sit on my bed again and take my notebook and start to draw. I than without realizing that I am actually doing it I write on the bottom corner of the page "It doesn't always need a knife to kill someone. It just takes a simply goodbye."

I start to cry again. Calling him so I could just hear his voice, his voicemail playing. I know it might look like I am desperate for attention but I don't care. I know he won't pick up the phone. Not when it's me that is calling.

I take a long shower to refresh my mind. I get in the bed and once I relax all the memories we made together came back. And the memory of him leaving.

I am the forgotten. One of the forgotten, he forgot to tell on purpose.

I start to cry again and eventually I cried myself to sleep.

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