Zombies and Petra

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Jesse's POV~

"Ruben!" I shouted looking for my pig. Then I hear a barking. I quickly turn around to find that the wolf from earlier is running toward me, before I could do anything it leaps for me. It's paws hit my chest and I fall backwards, the wolf instantly grabs my shirt with its teeth and tugs. Then I hear rustling in the bushes.
~Your POV~

You run threw bushes and trees chasing after your wolf. Then you explode out of some bushes to find Barnaby attacking Jesse! "Barnaby!" You shout "NO!" You grab your dog just before he bites down of Jesse's throat, "Bad dog!" You say angrily, "go back to Lukas" you put down your dog and he walks back towards ended-con "sorry about him" you say helping Jesse up. He doesn't say anything. "I'll help you find your pig" you say "he's name is Ruben" Jesse said "and ok" you and Jesse walk around looking for Ruben then you finally find him but... Uh oh... ZOMBIES! You and Jesse run only to get cornered. You both bring out your wooden swords, you notice Jesse's sword has bite marks in it. You wince, figuring out that when Barnaby first ran off he must have attacked Jesse. You and Jesse fight the zombies until your swords break "stupid wooden swords!" Jesse shouted. Then a zombie punched Ruben! In the face! The pig now has a black eye. You and Jesse try to fight of the zombies but a spider attacks Jesse. Jesse let out a high pitched scream/yelp. You couldn't help Jesse cuz you were busy. Them out of no where Petra comes and kills the spider.

~time skip~
We're on a bridge stuck. Then you jump. You and Petra do dives and Jesse does a perfect belly flop. "It burns! It burns!" He shouts "didn't you know?" Petra said "your suppose to dive into the water not land on top of it. Now
pull yourself together and follow me"

Male Jesse x Reader =Discontinued=Where stories live. Discover now