George Weasley

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"Fred knock it off! I need to study for theses O.W.L's and you taking my books are not helping me!" You yelled out while sitting in the great hall. All Fred could do was laugh at you as you huffed trying to get your book back.

"Come in (Y/N) George and I are going to Hogsmeade and we want you to come with us. You never go!" He bellowed out finally giving you the book back. "Why Fred? So you two troublesome twins can make a mockery of me?" You ask with a smirk on your face and your arms crossed looking at him.

"No! Because George asked me to invite you and I know you like him so I don't see why you don't come with us." Fred said looking at your seriously.

Your smirk fell and your eyebrows frowned together, you could tell your cheeks were getting hot. George really wanted you to go and hang out with them, usually George wants nothing to do with you. You and the twins use to be very close and then one day George just stopped hanging out with you, you didn't know why and neither did Fred.

It hurt you a little because he was your close friend and you had developed a crush over the past two years. As you though about it more you agreed to go with Fred because you wanted to confront George on why he didn't want to be around you anymore.

"Wicked! Meet in the courtyard in 20 minutes I'm gonna go change out of my ropes and then we will head off to meet George." Fred said happily as he got up from the table and sprinted to the common room. You laugh rolling your eyes as you head to the courtyard.

You had already changed out of your ropes for the day and figured you could study another 20 minutes while waiting for Fred.

"Alright (Y/N), I'm ready to go!" Fred yelled walking over to you. You nod and smile placing your book into your bag and stand up. You and Fred begin walking to Hogsmeade village and something just doesn't seem right.

Fred was being quiet and walking slower then usual, he wouldn't look at you and every time you asked a question he would just shrug or nod his head.

You brushed it off and asked him a question, "So why does George want to hang out with me all of a sudden?" Fred looks up and raises an eyebrow "whatever do you mean?"

"George hasn't wanted to hang out with me almost all school year every time he sees me he turns as walks away, or gets up when I come to sit down." You say as you can hear yourself getting upset.

"Maybe George likes you and doesn't know if you feel that same and is worried he'll ruin the friendship." Fred said now looking right into your eyes.

You shake your head no and look down. "Why would he like someone like me? All I do is study and I'm quiet all the time, I'm nothing special." Fred then grabs your hand spinning you towards his body making you stop in your tracks.

You are still looking down so he then proceeded to place a finger under your chin and lifts your head up to have you look at him. "Don't ever say your nothing special you in front of me (Y/N), because you are so much more then special to me." Fred whispers his lips dreadfully close to yours.

You look wide eyed as he continues to lean in and kiss you, your in shock that you don't know weather to kiss back or push Fred off you. Fred pulls back and says "oh yea by the way I'm George not Fred, I figured the only way I'd have the guts to talk to you was if you though I was Fred."

You blink a few times and laugh as you pull George into a hug and kiss his cheek. "I'm sorry I've been so rude I just didn't know how to tell you how I felt so I pushed you away." George says still hugging you tightly. All you do is smile and continue hugging him not telling go, this is all you have wanted these past two years was to be in his arms and now you have finally made it.

Hello all! I'm so so so for not updating in like years, I was busy finishing school and then I had a little boy to take care of. But now that he is about 1 I can start working on finishing all my books and updating more!

So if you would like an imagine please please please message me or leave a comment and I will get them done! Thank you all love y'all! And here is a George gif!

So if you would like an imagine please please please message me or leave a comment and I will get them done! Thank you all love y'all! And here is a George gif!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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