Part 1

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Phil p.o.v

"Phil!!" I hear Dan yell from outside of my door.
Today me and dan were going to the park to talk and  get some fresh air. We rarely do this beacuse me and Dan are always on tumblr. I quickly grabbed some clothes and put them on. I was wearing some black skinny jeans and a plaid button up shirt. I walk out of my bedroom and see dan standing by the door.
"What took you so long?"
"What do you mean?" Dan stares at me in confusion until I finally walk to the kitchen to make us breakfast.
"Dan!! Eggs and toast or cereal??"
"Cereal!! I want corn flakes."
I fix me and dan corn flakes then we leave to go to the park.


We finally get to the park and sit on a bench. I look over at Dan , expecting him to be on his phone, but he was staring at me. I see that he was embarrassed as his cheeks filled with pink colour. I didn't want him to feel bad so I act like I had something on my face.
"Do I have something on my face??"
"No, I uhh...well I ..."
I noticed that Dan was embarrassed so I change the subject.
" Want to go get Starbucks?"
Dan quickly agreed to this and we got up and started walking. I hear Dan say something, so I look at him.
"Oh dan!! Are you ok?" He was on the ground and I knew that he tripped on his shoelaces that were untied.
"Yeah. I'm alright. Just help me up."
I grab his hands which are soft . I just stare at him as our hands are touching and see his eyes light up. I never wanted to let go but I know that Dan would never love me and what I was feeling was fake. I quickly forget about my thoughts and help him up. I start to apologize but I was interrupted by Dan's voice.
"Yes?" All of the sudden I see him reach for my hand. I was so nervous so I just stare at him. He grabs my hand and he says
"Can we walk like this? Just this once?" I want to say "we can walk like this forever." But instead I say
"Of course. Just tell me when to stop." We walk to Starbucks holding hands and I then realize that im in love with Dan Howell.

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