Question #2: Kankri

74 4 7

Q: [Kankri: 6lah_6lah ] "Whats y9ur 9pini9n 9n me?"


Cronus: vwell

Cronus: I guess ivwe got to be honest since this is a Q and A made specifically about me

Cronus: and I dont vwant any rumours or vwhatevwer

Cronus: howvevwer

Cronus: howvevwer..

Cronus: ha, howv do i evwen say this vwithout messin up ?

Cronus: Kanny- i mean chief- i mean.. Kankri.. Evwen though your lectures are wvery (vwery? wvery? i dont evwen knowv anymore) long and sometimes.. vwell, hard to endure, hah...

Cronus: I do find you to be one of the swveetest trolls around and you really..

Cronus: catch my eye.. and I really-

Cronus: so anyvways- um..

Cronus: howv's about a date.. vwith me.. Kanny ?

Cronus: .....

Cronus: ///

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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