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You and Elliot headed to the nearby store to get him some more clothing. You were glad that your budget was pretty free for awhile, especially since your bill were already paid and you already got groceries for the house. You walked him into the store and allowed him to look around at things he wanted for a little while. He came back and asked you about how a sweater and a tank top looked and how they would look together on him. You just told him they would look fine on him, then bought yourself a couple of things, too. You checked everything out at the register and went to a nearby restaurant to relax and restore yourselves before going home. 

You allowed Elliot to choose for himself which restaurant he wanted to go into. He chose a Asian food restaurant with soups and pastas that he liked inside. He ordered some shrimp ramen and you ordered (something Asian). The two of you made small talk while the food was being prepared for you so you wouldn't get bored and irritable while waiting. 

"So, why do you eat so much pasta?" you asked him.

"I don't know, it's yummy and there was a lot of it back where I'm from," he answered with a small smile on his face. You enjoyed his little smiles. They were relaxing to look at. 

"What's your favorite kind?" you asked him. 

"I like the kind that has the crunchy chow mein and some chicken broth in it," he said. "And don't forget to add the veggies!"

"Well, it is good food," you said. The order came to you guys faster than you'd thought, and both of the meals looked beautiful and tasty. You smiled when you saw your order. You thought about the taste and just couldn't wait to get your hands on the meal. 

The woman placed the orders on the table with a small smile. The two of you thanked her and began to eat your meals. 

You picked up your fork and Elliot looked at a bottle of hot sauce. He poured a little into his pasta and began to eat it. You were a little surprised that he did like spicy food, a lot of the people you knew hated anything that was even a little spicy, like a raw onion. You ate your meal and enjoyed every bite, Elliot doing the same with his shrimp meal. You finished and left a tip on the table, then you paid and left the restaurant, full and satisfied with yourselves. 

You walked back to the house and opened the door. You noticed it was unlocked, but it couldn't possibly have been another person doing anything to mess around in your house. You opened the door and walked right into your kitchen to find three men sitting at the kitchen table and looking at you and Elliot. 

"Finally, your Highness, we've caught you!" the man with the long black hair pulled behind him stood up and yelped angrily. You looked at Elliot, what was this your highness business? Elliot just stared at you, then looked up at them. 

"I don't even know who you guys are..." he said, sounding confused and sort of afraid for once. 

"Yes you do, you're the Prince of Dogra!" the black haired man yelled. You gasped a little bit. You still wondered about the whole murder thing. Why would a prince murder someone? You thought heavily and sat down. 

"I am?" he said, sounding more confused. 

"You're prince Baka!" the man insisted. "You need to come with us! Now!" 

"I have amnesia. Please tell me why you're doing this?" he said to the man. 

"You have an intergalactic conference to go to. That's why. And if you don't show up, then you'll probably cause a war and get our planet destroyed!" the man yelled back. 

"Hm, okay?" he said "But I don't want to and it's no use. Not unless I have my memory back."

"Alright, I can get it back for you. I'm sorry, but I'm doing this because I have to, not because I want to. Please understand, Prince," the man grabbed Elliot- no- Baka, and bashed his head into the prince's. Baka went into a mode of utter confusion an dizziness and fell to the floor. 

"Did it work?" one of the other guys asked. Black hair guy picked Baka up by his shoulder and looked at his confused and dizzy face, which was saying weird words and slurring slightly. 

"Nope," he said, then started to beat up the prince more. More blue paint was thrown everywhere. Bruises formed on Baka's body. You were confused about the blue paint, so you asked the man with the light brown colored hair what it was. 

"It's the color of our blood," the guy said. You were a little disturbed, but interested too. 

The man with the black hair really seemed to be enjoying himself over there, punching and kicking Baka until he passed out. Once Baka was unconscious again, he stopped and allowed him to rest. The man looked really redeemed with himself, but at the same time like he had unfinished business to do with the prince. 

"You can call me Captain Kraft and these are my subordinates Collin and Sado. They and I have a mission to protect the prince and get him to his conference" he said, sounding angry when he said 'the prince'.  

You nodded a little "Uh... okay," you said. You were scared to even look at Kraft. What if he beat you up too? You wondered how they even got in and unlocked your door. 

"Do you have any valuable information we can use to help the prince get his information back?" Collin, the man you asked about the blue blood, asked you. 

"There was something that looked like a computer from the 80's but for aliens over there that he said would help," you told them. "But I have no idea how it works."

"Don't worry, we'll figure it out. Thanks for the information." Sado, the guy with the glasses said calmly while walking over to the thing. 

Sado pushed some buttons and Captain Kraft paced about the room. You noticed that he smelled like rainwater and sweat and looked angsty twenty-four seven. You looked at him. 

"Do you want some tea? It'll help you calm down," you asked him. Captain Kraft shook his head and continued pacing quietly. You told him that it was always there if he changed his mind and sat down. All of a sudden, there was a crackling noise then your front door opened. 

A man with white hair and pale skin walked in with multiple men around him. 

"Where is he?" he asked. "Where's the guy that did this to me?" 

You shrugged at him and looked over at the Captain and his others. They were paging through files on the computer thing. They were eventually watching a snow screen with shocked faces. What the heck were they even seeing that they needed to be shocked? A ghost? You knew that it was common to see shapes and hear weird noises, but they seemed to be getting something out of the screen. 

"Answer me. Have you seen a blond guy around here?" the pale guy asked again. "If you don't we'll through and look for him. You have until sundown to find him and give him to us." he said. 

You could only shake your head with fear. You felt really scared and you didn't know what to do. You kept the prince hidden and wondered, why did he tell you about this sooner?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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