Between the Right and the Real part 3

Start from the beginning

“Nah, it’s fine. He called me last night and I gave him your number.” She smiled innocently back at me. “I didn’t think you’d mind since he said you two hit it off after a while.”

“What did I do to deserve that?” I groaned.

“You’re my friend. That’s enough.” She patted my back hard.

Charlie looped her arm through mine and pulled me away from my recently closed locker. As we walked to our first class an announcement for me to go to the front office was played over the intercom.

“Because they couldn't find a more embarrassing way to call me to the office!” I waved to Charlie as I unhooked my arm from hers and skipped through the throng of teenagers, trying to get to the office quickly in case they decided to call my name over the intercom again. I was almost there when Hanley pulled me out of the stream of people.

“Are you okay? My aunt called me in hysterics last night and told me what happened. I called the number you gave me. Thanks, but I already have Charlie’s number. She gave me yours for future reference.” Hanley sounded concerned.

“She told me. And I’m fine. Andy saved me before he could go any further.” I rolled my eyes.

“What did he do exactly? And who the fuck is Andy?” he sounded mad now.

“He just threatened me and then backed me into a corner and kissed me.” I looked away, feeling like I was going to throw up. “And Andy is my court ordered tutor.”

“You like him.” It wasn’t a question.

“Nothing can happen between—are you jealous?”


I opened my mouth to reply with a snappy comeback, but it died on my lips. “What?”

“Yes, I’m jealous of this guy.”


“You blushed when you mentioned him, a clear sign of allure. Your pupils dilated giving away your sexual attraction to him. You don’t do that around me. I like you. So naturally, yes, I’m jealous.”

My mouth fell open in shock. “But—but you—”

“I’m smarter than you think I am. Is that why you’re attracted to this guy? Because he shows off just how smart he is?” His eyes studied me, cautiously guarded so I couldn't quite read them.

“That’s part of it, yes. But just a single part.”

“What’s the other part?”

“He doesn’t play games. He doesn’t act like a little boy, and lead girls on. He made it clear from the first time I kissed him that nothing would ever happen between us.”

“Would you go out with me if I acted more like this guy? I mean, something can happen between us.”

“You’re a jerk. No!”

I pushed past him, feeling guilty for being so harsh, especially after how nice he’d been to me the day before. I waved to the receptionist frantically trying to gain her attention as she started to make another announcement for me to come to the office. She waved me over as she apologized to the student body. She must be new at this job.

“Why am I here?” I asked her.

“You’ve been signed out by that man over there. He said he’d explain to everything to you when you got out of here.”

A man in a suit stood up and gestured outside. When I joined him he greeted me with a warm hello and walked me over to a black car. I was either going to be kidnapped, or he was some kind of body guard.

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