Devon wanted to laugh, that seemed to be the question of the day.

"I live here, Bree. Just across the hall." Bree looked confused and then happy, but she managed to shoot Devon an angry look over Josh's shoulder when she hugged him again.

"If looks could kill," Grant said as he rose from his chair. "I think I'll go across the hall and check out the score."

"What are you doing here Bree?" Devon repeated her earlier question as she sat in the chair that Grant had just vacated.

All eyes were watching Bree as she turned to look around the room. She gave her sweet woe is me smile to Kellan while linking her arm through Josh's. Devon was curious as to why Josh had joined them and revealed to Bree that he lived across the hall. She was sure he had his reasons, but she couldn't begin to guess what they were.

Kellan held out Bree's soda to her and good manners forced her to leave Josh's side and rejoin Kellan on the couch. "Well, Mother and Father decided to go on a cruise with the McIntires for Thanksgiving, and I couldn't afford to take the time what with the upcoming-" she thought better of reminding all of the men that she was getting married. "Well I just couldn't take that much time right now, so I decided to come and stay with my favorite sister." She shot Devon her best smile, "Won't it be fun, Devon. We can spend the holiday together."

"Sure, you can sleep on the couch," Devon said as she took another swig of her beer, her eyes meeting Josh's in amusement at the look of horror on Bree's face.

"Oh, there you are, Josh. I just made some popcorn." Betty's voice could be heard coming from the hallway behind Josh.

"Thanks, Betty. I'll be right there." Josh said without glancing over his shoulder.

Betty, having noticed that almost everyone had migrated to Devon's apartment, stuck her head around Josh taking in the quiet scene in front of her. Her glance stopped when it hit Bree, and Devon had to bite back a laugh as the two women eyed each other.

"Easy girls, there are enough men to go around," Nina said with an amused smile.

Devon almost blew beer through her nose when she couldn't hold back the laugh anymore. Bree, ignoring the comment, turned to Kellan and started telling him about her sensitive back in great detail, and the others were so entranced by her show they missed the gentle vibrations of phones as they went off around the room.

The only one to check their phone was Josh. Devon watched him as his face took on its warrior look while he read the message.

"You guys ready?" he asked, just as if they had had plans to leave all along.

"Yep!" Will jumped up eager to be included again.

He had talked to Devon one night, after a few too many beers, about how he had made a mistake and gotten hurt. It had meant that he was sidelined for the past three months, and he was eager to be back in the action. That was where all of his anger and worry had been coming from.  He had been angry not to be included and worried about the guys when they were deployed.  He had let it slip that it had been Josh's decision to sideline him, and he was still hurt by it.  He understood it, but he was hurt. Devon and Will had never talked about it again, and she had no clue if he even remembered the conversation, but it had explained a lot.

Kellan rose slowly and followed the other two out the door.

Everyone but Bree knew what was going on, but they all remained silent as the guys left the apartment. To keep from thinking about Josh going into harm's way, Devon rose and started to gather all of the empty beer bottles.

"Devon, you can use my place if you want," Josh said as he stuck his head in the door one last time.

"Thanks Josh, safe travels," she said softly, planting her feet firmly to keep from throwing herself in his arms, doubting he would welcome her embrace.

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