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I kept shaking my head and I groan.
"No no no no and no! This can't be happening! How is this possible I'm not a bad person!" I grabbed my head and glared at my aunt.
"Do you have a problem with this?" My eyes widened and I laughed.

"No shit! I don't want you and my teacher meeting! It's...its death!" I yelled and fell face first on the bed.
"Language mercy! J have been getting calls from your saying something about school pranks" I rolled on the bed.

"Ok...ok...maybe I did have something to do with blowing up the boys bathroom with a smoke bomb. But it was just smoke! From water! Come on aunt Jenna!" I just heard that my aunt was gonna have a talk with Mr. I'm a conference.

"I'll do anything for you to not meet with him please please?!" All she did was shake her head and sit down in a chair.
"Nope. I need to talk to your teacher. And plus he's just a teacher, what could go wrong?" I squinted and glared at her.

"Well many thing s could go wrong. And when I mean many things...I mean..many things"  I crossed my arms. She handed my book to me. It was the one I had found a few days ago. My eyes went big and I snatche it back.

"Don't look through my things.." I make a face and his it under my bed somewhere.
"I read some of's very...intense" I shook my head and smiled a little.

"Just go. It's not fun if you read my things" I shook my head and watched her go out. I've gotten very into the book and I'm somewhere when they go on a first date or something.
I began reading after sitting down on my floor.

"So you can cook?" The woman looked at me and smiled sitting at my table bar.
"Of course I can love. I can do many more things to also" I picked her plate up along with washing them when I felt her presence stand beside me. After I washed them I turned to her and brushed my hand on her cheek and leant down kissing her lightly. She did a smile and took my hand leading me somewhere. This was her house so I couldn't protest.

I slammed the book closed with a book mark and squealed. My dad had some good taste in books. I laughed to myself and set it down. I sat up and gotten on my phone and looked through my apps. I hummed to myself and soon had my eyes feeling heavy and sleepy. I mumbled and soon had just fell asleep.

(Morning - School)

I looked at the date and sighed to myself.
"Halloween..." I looked at the date and it was only a few days away. I spinner a coin and people trampled out of the classroom as the class ended by I was called.

"Mercy. I need to see you " I cringed and walked to his desk.
"Yeah?" I make a face as he stood up.
"Now....I wants to ask you about your report. About vampires" he smiled. I sighed.

"Im still working on it. " I stared normally.
"Yes I know you believe in them. Do you think that they are real" my eyes twitched and I didn't know it and shook my head.
"No. Not at all actually..." I did a smile and began turning around.

"You know...things are not always as they seem" Was the last thing he said before I got out of his room.
"Okay then...." I had been stopped by two guys.
"Shit...." I mumbled seeing that it was the two boys that where in he boys bathroom when I blew it up.

"That's what you are. A piece of shit" I heard one of them say and spit hit my face.
"You should probably stop spitting in people's face." The other grabbed my shirt and hit me against the wall. I groaned and dropped my books my head slowly started to hurt.

The Life Of A Teenage VampireWhere stories live. Discover now