New teacher-2

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This Mr Buckaloo came in and sat down at his desk.
"Who's the creep?" I heard Lucas or Marcus whisper into my ear from behind me.
"Don't know...he gives me the creeps to be honest...I only wish for Mr Cj to get back safely.." I mumble the last part to myself.

Mr. Cj was an actual friend of mine. An actually friend of my fathers. But he didn't know our secret. At least I don't think. The man finally stood up and walked to the front of the class....which was conveniently where mine was. I kept my head down and grumbled.

"Now...I understand you all may have known your...I mean Mr. Cj very well and know that he has been missing for some months now. He may have had his classes signed differently....but since I'm in charge now I will take in charge. Now by doing that. I will call on someone to be my...'helper' and to introduce them self in the front of the class..." He held a roster and flipped through. I swore he glanced at me each time he went over a name.

"Let's see....Miss Mercy Draca...come stand up here with me.." He looked down at me and I froze. I turned to Lucas and Marcus and they shrugged sending me a dont get killed by the teacher or embarrassment look. I nodded and stood up walking. To the front somewhat beside this Mr. Buck.

"Go ahead Miss Draca...introduce yourself" I couches and crossed my arms a little.
"My names...Mercy Vlad Draca...and I hate reality and general" the class just looked at me weird and I shrunk a little. I looked over to my 3rd grade crush...names Cole and he just did a light smile at me. I did a closed mouth smile.

"Good. Now go back to your seat....Mercy" I felt my name roll off his tongue and I cringed.
"Oh god the hurts" I said back at the twins causing them to start laughing. I seen and heard the new teacher start giving out papers.

"For your assignment today...and for the rest of the week. Will you be writing about yourself. As a mythical creature" he set my paper down and I looked. My jaw dropped to the floor.

"Really. I got vampire...." I showed the twins.
"Really? Aren't you already one? And We got sirens...or incubuses" I rolled my eyes.
"Ew beastly" I said as we went on with the class.

Soon enough the first class was over Mr. Buck called me over. I slowly got to him and stood in front of his desk.
"Hello mercy..." He threw on one casual smile and I cringed.
"Hello Mr. Buck...did you need something?" I tapped my foot wanting to get away from him along from this classroom to get to my other class....Mrs. Walsh.

"Yes. I wanted to say how nice work you have done today.....and I wish to continue to see that. Okay?" He moved a bit close with his face and his eyes darted all along my face.

"Yeah. Whatever you say. I have to get to class now." I slay stepped out of class to meet Lucas and Marcus.
"Okay. Pedophile radar is going fucking crazy right now."

"Why what happened? Did he do something?"
"No. He just looked at me weird and. Ugh. I simply hate guy teachers. "All then did was laugh and we got out books for our next class. I had went to he bathroom to fix my eyeliner and black lipstick I had put on. I hummed to myself as my stomach grumbles lightly and I just shook my head finishing. I got out stretched and started lightly jogging to class.

"Hey goth girl!" I heard someone yell. It was a guy's voice. I groaned and did a mini unnoticeable temper tantrum. I turned and crossed my arms.
"What do you want. Bob...and Tim" I glare. These guys have been bullying me for I don't know how long. There lucky that they can't hit me.

"We haven't gotten out weakly pay. Where's your lunch."
"In the damn lunch room where the hell would it be?" I say and I turn around and start to sprint done to my class. No fights today no fights today. I kept saying over and over in my head as I got to my class.

"MISS DRACA!" I froze as Mrs. Walsh catches me and I freeze.
"Yes?" She glared and had her ruler in her hand.
"Why are you late?"
" Girl problems?"
"No excuse. Do you want detention?"

"No Ma'am?" I straighten.
"Hen get in your seat and start reading your notes." I took a deep breathe and leans back.
"Damn that was close."
"Sure was. I was about to burst in laughter" I smiled at Lucas beside me.

"So what did I miss this time?"
"Nothing of importance. Just the regular school rules. The usual" I nodded in agreement and closed my eyes hearing everyone's heart beats and I bit my lip humming to myself. I heard one particular heartbeat that was fast. Soothing. Sweet. The blood was thick obviously. I did a slow turn behind and saw him. His black hair softly waved and gelled up in the front. His Gage's in his ears jet black. He fought me staring at me and I shit back to her on and I held my breathe. I felt his gaze on my back and I bent down to my paper writing randomness.

Some how I knew this day would be a weird one

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Some how I knew this day would be a weird one. I just felt it.

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