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Grian's POV

I kept my ear out for the next week, listening to anything mentioning the Yakuza. I told Silly and J everything I knew and before I knew it, Invader was begging me to let her help find Sam. The four of us were doing everything to find traces of Sam. I headed back to the apartment but the Yakuza were skilled. No traces of a struggle, no leads for our private rescue mission.

Invader analysed Sam's first note and realised it had been printed. The pixels much too small for us to notice, but definitely not handwritten. She then analysed Sam's second note and found out that it matched his handwriting exactly. Sam had written that second note but it was messy and scribbled as if he didn't really know what he was writing but wanted to do it quickly.

I paled as my mind ran through the different states Sam could be in once we find him. Would he be okay? Would he be alive? Would he need a hospital? Would he be angry, cause we didn't realise quick enough? Would he be happy and grateful that we figured it out? Would it even still be Sam, or would the torture have destroyed him, inside and out? I shook my head. I couldn't dwell on would bes and what ifs.

I looked up as J's door slammed open, J and Silly standing there out of breath. I ran to get them a drink of water each and guided them to the couch. "Invader!" I shouted, knowing she was upstairs in the guest bedroom. She came running down and stopped when she saw J and Silly.
"What happened? I thought you guys were going to the shops?" Invader asked.
"We saw Yuki and Taurtis. They were saying goodbye because Yuki's father wanted her to do something." Silly explained before gulping more water down.
"We followed Yuki, but she turned around and we ran for our lives." J said, his breathing basically back to normal.
"That's cool guys. But what did you get out of following Yuki aside from exercise?" I asked impatiently.

"We know where Sam is being held." Silly said and my heart leapt.

Invader's POV

We spent that whole afternoon plotting and planning. Grian went back out to scope the Yakuza hide out while we figured out a plan.
"We need a distraction, one big enough to draw all of the Yakuzas out as well as Yuki, so one of us can sneak in, grab Sam and sneak out." J said.
"We'll use Taurtis to lure Yuki out and then I'm thinking if they get into trouble, the Yakuzas will come to save their boss' daughter." Silly offered.
"That's a great idea but how will they get into trouble?" I asked. My thoughts drifted off to Sam again.

It had been three weeks since his second letter that pushed Taurtis even closer to Yuki and five months since Sam 'died'. I was scared to think what condition he would come back to us in. But I was more scared that I would never see my beautiful bunny boy again. I hadn't even realised that J and Silly had asked me something until J waved his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry," I smiled sheepishly. "What did you say?"
"J suggested we could tip my parents off about something that Yuki did and that we knew where the Yakuza hide out was. Maybe even get them to help us rescue Sam without them knowing." Silly said, a smile stretched across her face as we came closer to getting Sam out.
"That's brilliant J!" I leapt across the room, to drag J into a huge, excited bear hug.

"Cool, I'll go tell mum and dad. They'll probably want to do it soon." Silly said and disappeared up the stairs to call her parents in peace.
Just then, Grian opened the front door. "We have a plan." I announced to Grian.
"Great, what is it?" J quickly filled Grian in on the plan as I went to clean myself up and get ready.

Grian's POV

I was so excited when I heard the plan. It had to work, it just had too. We were so close to getting Sam back and getting Sam back would mean we would get Taurtis back as well. I would have both of my friends. And that was enough for me, I could deal with whatever shape Sam was in as long as he was still alive.

Silly entered the room with an excited smile on her face. "Mum and dad are getting ready to go now. They know I'm going with them and I asked about bringing you guys along. Convinced them that since you guys found the hideout, dad didn't need any more convincing. Told me to and I quote 'BRING THOSE SMART MAGGOTS ALONG. WE NEED THEIR HELP.'"

"Okay, everyone get ready. We are saving Sam today. After five months of being captured, Sam will be free today! And no longer dead!" Invader gave a nice pep talk and we were pumped and ready to go.
I just hope we get to Sam in time.

Sam's POV

Everything hurt, everything that could bleed was bleeding. I didn't know I had that much blood. It was so pretty though, the way it flowed peaceful and fell to the floor in a nice big circle, kinda like a spotlight on me. Although it wasn't much of a spotlight more of a spot dark because I hadn't been able to see anything for ages.

My mind no longer retained any sense of time nor any memories. The only thing that I knew was I was dying. I just wanted it to come sooner. I could feel the snap of my bones every time I shifted so I stopped moving and just lay where I was in the corner of the room.

My hands were stuck behind my back, I had no idea how, the same with my ankles which were stuck together. My eyelids were so heavy but I tried to fight the urge to close them. I wasn't sure why I should be fighting the urge but the little voice that had began to fade told me I had to keep fighting. I wasn't even sure what that word meant anymore.

Suddenly loud noises erupted above me. I flinched in fear but only made the pain worse. Bangs went off above and thumps landed on my ceiling. Somewhere deep down, something leapt for joy but I want sure why.

Light blinded my vision and I scrunched my eyes up, afraid to see the creature that the light brought. The one with pink hair and a white bow. A yell for help, fingers on my neck, comforting words being whispered in my ear, everything blurred together until I finally reached my destination. The dark abyss, fearless, painless, bliss.

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