Chapter 2. A Hard Day's Night

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Audrey woke up early the next morning, around six o'clock, slamming and closing every single drawer in the house. Meredith came out of her bedroom, squinting her eyes and asking "What the hell is going on?"

Audrey continued to shuffle through papers, not responding to her question. "AUDREY" she yelled. Audrey walked quickly into her room, and Meredith followed behind. Audrey began looking through her desk, about to stick her hand in when Meredith grabbed her arm. Meredith turned Audrey to face her but Audrey continued to look down. "What has gotten into you?" she said in a snippy tone.

Audrey closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I had a dream last night" she started saying, "mom was there". Meredith shoved her arm away as soon as she heard Audrey mentioned her. "Sh-she told me to do whatever we could to save our gems".

"Audrey LaRay Lanagen" Meredith said sternly, "I am not going to stand here and listen to some out-of-this-world dream you had last night". She ran a hand through her hair. "I can not believe you would say such a thing, even on this day!" Audrey looked up at her with worried eyes. "Go and get ready" she demanded. Meredith slowly walked out of her room.

Audrey walked over to her stand-up mirror, and looked at her gem. It glowed a bright galaxy, moving in slow motion, getting a good look at every star. Audrey took the long black dress, specially bought for the funeral off of the hanger, and laid it at the end of her bed.

Audrey slipped on the shiny black heels, and placed a shady black hat on her head. She looked at herself one last time in the mirror before Meredith yelled for her to come downstairs.

"We are going to be late for our own parents' funeral" she said putting on her last heel. Audrey grabbed Meredith's hat with the black veil off of the rack and handed it to her. She took it from her hand, and gave Audrey a heart-warming hug. "We can do this" she said staring straight into her sister's eyes. Audrey nodded, agreeing with her. They were out the door, hand-and-hand, strutting the most confident walk.

They arrived at the site. Last ones to show up. The group of people separated themselves just like when Moses held out his staff and God parted the Red Sea. Slowly walking with their heads high up, you could hear the sniffles and soft sobs coming for each direction.

The priest gave his sermon, and the muffled cries went on. The Three-Volley salute brought them the most tears, closing their eyes and wincing everytime the rifles were shot. Meredith's hand intertwined with Audrey's.

As the ushers led the guests to walk by the two coffins one last time, Meredith and Audrey stood in so much shock and pain. After the line was finished, they both took a flower from each grave, holding onto them for dear life.

The reception after was great, a lot of people came to support, there was no sight of any family. Maybe a few second or third cousins here and there. Finishing up the goodbyes was the most relieving part of the day.

The ride home was as quiet as could be. No radio, no talking, nothing. They pulled in the driveway, and got out of the car and still not a word was spoken. The backseat was filled with flowers, though Meredith seemed like she did not want to take care of them. But they both brought them inside anyway.

"Well um-" Audrey started saying, "I think that it went great". Meredith stared at the flowers, "Me too" she said. "I think we should have another night like last night, but this time, we should watch Jim Carrey movies" Audrey said with a laugh, Meredith agreed with a small one.

They finished unpacking all the extra food, and the many sympathy cards. They decided to read all of them while watching a comedy movie, just to brighten the mood a bit.

After reading them, they spent the rest of the night laughing at the many personalities of Carrey. The laughs that came from both made their mood change drastically. They fell asleep with an empty Pizza Hut box, and another tub of icecream on the bed. Audrey had a feeling there was hope for the both of them. A great future to come upon them like a miracle. And with her thoughts fading away, Audrey fell into a deep, deep sleep.

"Oh Audrey, I should have told you sooner. Oh Audrey, I should have told you sooner. Oh Audrey-" her mother's faint voice repeated like a broken record.

Audrey shot up in the shared bed. The clock struck twelve. Well, she was not that surprised, I mean they did have a long day. While creeping upstairs from the basement, the sound of the power slowly shutting off stopped Audrey in her tracks. Crackling thunder was heard from a distance.

Looking down at her chest, and forgetting about what her mother told her about hers and Meredith's necklaces, the gem faded from a bright and beautiful galaxy, to a black abyss.

Shaken up by what she had just witnessed, Audrey flew downstairs to check on her sister's gem. Audrey walked along the other side of the bed and pulled the blankets away from Meredith's face. She gulped down a huge sensation of fear.

She grabbed her phone and turned on the flashlight. The sound of the ticking Grandfather clock was the only thing that could be heard, along with the booming of the thunder.

The creeks in the wooden steps were as loud as ever, as she made her way up. Audrey stopped herself in the kitchen doorway, when the brightness of the thunder lit up a figure so breathtaking.

The figure was definitely a man. Strong armed, yet had should-lengthened hair. He was carrying a hammer which frightened her a bit. He turned to face the glass doors, yet he was still somewhat far away. His cape was drenched, and the rain easily fell off the end.

"This is only just the beginning, my dear" she heard her mother's voice say.

Audrey continued to stare at the figure with mixed emotions, and her heart nearly beating out of her chest.

"You will never regret letting them in".

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