Chapter 4: Blizzard of '11

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"She told me that." Sebastian replied.

"Have fun, girls!" Hollie said to them.

"We will!" The girls said as the moms all headed to their cars and left as Sebastian closed the door and the girls all were putting their bags in the rooms that they were gonna sleep in and a couple of minutes later, Maddie, Brooke and Paige were in the living room watching TV, Brookie and Mackenzie were in the kitchen eating Lay's potato chips in the recreational room, Sebastian was finished playing ping pong with Chloe while Nia was watching.

"Sebastian, i didn't know you were good at Ping Pong." Chloe said.

"You sure are talented." Nia told him.

"I used to play this game with mom a lot." Sebastian responded. "Since i was little, we'd play some board games like Scrabble, Monopoly, Chess and Checkers."

"Who would win mostly?" Nia wondered.

"It varies, one day i'd win, then the next time either mom or grandma would win."

"Wow, you and Miss Abby are very close." Chloe told him.

"We sure are."

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Mackenzie was sharing some Lay's Potato Chips with Brookie.

"Kenzie, you sure love potato chips." Brookie said.

"Yep, even though i love to dance, i'll prefer to stay home and eat chips." Mackenzie replied to her best friend. "I'm really glad that Sebastian let me eat some of his Lay's chips."

"He sure is a giving person." Brookie added.

"And that is why we love him." Mackenzie stated

Meanwhile. in the living room, Maddie, Brooke and Paige were watching TV and what they were watching was a DVD of the Animaniacs and they were laughing so hard at seeing Yakko, Wakko and Dot doing some funny things.

"Wakko has a huge belch." Brooke laughed.

"Reminds me of the time Paige belched when we were out to dinner with Miss Abby and Sebastian." Maddie teased.

"Hey!" Paige exclaimed. "That wasn't me!"

"Yes it was, Paigey." Brooke told her sister and they saw it was snowing outside, but that was only the start of the blizzard that was approaching the windy city. "I believe that this is the preview for the blizzard, because tomorrow it's gonna get rough out there."

"You know it." Maddie said as Sebastian, Chloe, Mackenzie, Brookie and Nia came into the living room.

"Hey, i can see that you girls are enjoying the Animaniacs DVD." Sebastian said.

"We sure are. They're so funny." Paige stated.

"You know it, i used to watch the show with my mom when i was little and we'd bust a gut whenever they'd do something funny."

The next day, it was 2:30 PM and it was starting to get heavy out there with heavy snow and the high winds were starting slowly but surely as Sebastian was looking through the window of the area as Brookie had just walked from one of the bedrooms.

"It's kinda rough out there, Sebastian." Brookie told the adopted son of Abby.

"It is." Sebastian told the young dancer. "From what i've heard, we're expecting to get 20 to 24 inches."

"That's a lot." Brookie stated.

"I know. before you and the other girls were even born except for Brooke, who was born in January of 1998, i've experienced the 1999 Blizzard and at that time, i was eight going on nine and one day, mom asked me if i would like to have a snowball fight and i got creamed by her." Sebastian admitted.

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