When he takes you on a date

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You were getting ready to go on a date with Slendy. He didn't exactly explain were you were going, so you wore you a (F/B) ((Favorite Band)) T-Shirt, Black jeans, a (F/C) oversized hoodie, and (S/F/C) Converse. Slendy teleported in your room wearing his usual Suit. "Good afternoon (Y/N) love. You look astonishing." He said. "Aw Thanks Slendy! You look good as always!" You giggled. He wrapped his arms around you and teleported you to the movies. "uhh Slendy aren't people gonna flip if they see you? Like they did at my school?" You questioned. "I don't care as long as I'm with you." He said. You both walked in, and nobody flipped out. "Welcome to the Cinema! What Movie?" The front lady asked. "I would like 2 tickets to see 'The Purge: Election Year' ((I Know this movie isn't out yet, but YOLO!))." Slendy said. You didn't know Slendy was into horror films, but you just went with it. "Alright that will be $15.25" The lady said. Slendy paid up and she handed you the tickets. You both got an extra large popcorn, and a (F/F) slushie. You ate most of the popcorn during the previews. As the lights dimed and the movie began. The movie didn't even scare you, as you thought it was completely stupid. I mean if you were in the purge instead of killing people, you'd just go rob all your favorite stores. Then if some bitch decides to fuck with you, then you kill them. After the movie was over he took you to Mcdonalds. You ordered a (F/F) soda, a Big Mac no onions, and a Large fry. You chatted an Slendy asked you  what you thought of the movie. And to be honest you basically told him it sucked.

Jeff The Killer

Jeff asked you on a date, and he was running late. He said he would be there in 20 minutes, and its been an hour. Finally you got a knock on your door. You answered it and saw Jeff standing there wearing a Tuxedo, a red bow tie, and holding black roses. You guessed you were going somewhere fancy, and you didn't really dress yourself for that. He stepped inside your house, "Hey (Y/N)! I got these flowers for you!" He said shoving them in your face. "Aww thanks Jeff. Ummm I didn't really get dressed to go somewhere fancy..." You said putting the flowers in a vase. "Oh no the tuxedo is just for laughs!" He ripped off the tux to reveal his normal attire under it. "Why?" You said shaking your head. "Because Slenderman said I had too..." He grumbled. He grabbed your hand and you both walked to a llama farm. Why out of all places a llama farm? Because Jeff has a soft spot for llamas. "Why are we hear?" You asked as you walked in the entrance. "Because llama's are my favorite animals..." Jeff replied. After an hour of being there you both went to star bucks. You both talked and learned a lot about each other.

BEN Drowned

He took you into the LOZ game. It was really nice and for a while it was just the two of you, but guess what that didn't last very long. "I will save you fair madam!" A voice boomed from behind you. Next thing you knew you were swept off your feet, and put on a horse. You saw Link in front of BEN, with a sword pointing at his neck. "You are charged with treason!" Link said. "I'm just here with my girlfriend!" BEN growled. Suddenly your phone started ringing, playing (F/S). The crowd that was gathered around the guys suddenly looked at you. "Hang on BEN I've got to answer this!" You said, shooshing everyone. "Hello.... No mom..... Mom Im at (F/N)'s house..... Yea I will be home soon..... Love ya.... Bye" You hung up your phone. "Yo Benny Boy my mom wants me home." You said hopping off the horse. "What was that strange sourcery?" Link asked. "None ya business..." You said. You went up to BEN and he hugged you. You started feeling like you were pixlated, but it stopped in a few seconds. You heard foot steps coming up to your room, "BEN HIDE!" You whispered-yelled. He dove into the Tv. Your door opened to revel your mom who was visiting, "Who were you talking too? And I thought you said you were at (F/N)?" Your mom asked. "Oh uh.. Yea I climbed through the window.... And Uhhhh.... That was me on my phone...." You rubbed the back of your neck nervously. "Alright dear. I'm making spaghetti, be down soon..." Your mother walked out. BEN Came out of the TV, "Sorry I ruined our date..." BEN Mumbled sitting down next to you. "Oh no I loved it! I actually got to go to Hyrule! I mean how many people can say that?" You said. "Not many..." BEN Mumbled something in audible. "What?" You asked. "NOTHING!" BEN yelled. You just shook your head. ((You'll find out later on what he said... ))

Laughing Jack

He took you to the zoo. Yea, surprise it wasn't the carnival! He paid for the tickets and everything. At the moment you were in the butterfly garden, and might I add that LJ was swarmed with butterflies? "AHHHH WHY DO THESE THINGS LIKE ME??" LJ said running around. A few kids giggled, but the adults had this unsettling nerve they didn't like about him. "Mommy that clown is funny! Can I take a picture with him??? Please!!!" A little girl begged. "Ummm...... He looks busy right now, we should try again later..." The mother gave you a weak smile and dragged her daughter out. You shook your head and looked back at LJ who was still running around trying to get them away from him, "(Y/N) HELP ME!!" He yelled. "LJ they like sugar! Throw the candy your eating away, and then take the candy out of your pockets! that will work!!' You yelled. LJ screatched to a stop, "Throw..... Away..... My...... CANDY? NOOOO!!!" He dropped to his knees, with the butterflies still swarming him. You figured something of this proportion was gonna happen, so you packed a spray bottle full of sugar water. "Stand still LJ!" You went up to the flower, plants, etc. and sprayed it. The butterflies one by one left him and went back to there plants. "Finally..." LJ mumbled. "Your welcome." You said putting the spray bottle back into your bag. He came up to you and and hugged you, "Thank you gum drop!" He kissed you cheek. The rest of the day was spent visiting the other animals, but boy once you got to the arachnid house, LJ lost it. "GGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH (Y/N) IM PETRIFIED OF SPIDERS!!!" LJ's scream could be heard all the way to the CP mansion. "Well then... That's none of my business..." Slendy said sipping his tea and reading the news paper.


He got you VIP tickets to see your favorite band, (F/B) that was playing tonight. "OMG BEST BOYFRIEND EVER!!" You screamed. He decided to go in his human form, because we all know why. "Hakuna Your Tatta's!" Sonic said. "What does that mean?" You said crossing your arms. "De-stress your chest..." He growled. "What?" "Calm your titties basically is what I'm trying to tell you!" He snapped. "Jesus boy, you've been more tense recently. Somethings wrong, I know because my girlfriend senses are kicking in!" You went up to hug him, but he backed away. "Sonic. Whats wrong?" You asked. "DONT TOUCH ME!" He yelled. Some people in the crowd looked at you funny, not wanting to anger him you let him be. It was making you upset that your boyfriend didn't want to be around you. At least that's what you assumed. Finally the concert was over he walked you home, standing far away from you. When you reached your house you couldn't take it anymore and ran inside locking the house door. "(Y/N)?" Sonic asked. You didn't even tell him goodnight like usual. He sighed knowing he fucked up tonight for you. You see Sonic was having some pretty bad nightmares the last few weeks about hurting you. So he tried to make 0 contact with you, so he wouldn't. He didn't think about him trying to keep you safe, was actually really gonna hurt you. He went through your computer to see you on your bed crying, "(Y/N) I'm sorry about tonight. It's just the last couple have weeks I've been afraid I was gonna hurt you." He sat at the foot of your bed. "Why would you hurt me Sonic. I mean you love me, so if you did it would never be on purpose." You sat up and looked at him. He gave you a faint smile before pulling you into a hug. This surprised you because he never was one to actually admit his emotions. You hugged back, "I wish you could stay the night..." You mumbled. "Oh your ready for that~" He said in a pervy tone. You shoved him away, "And he's gone!" You both broke out into laughter. Lets just say the rest of the night he stayed with you, but nothing special happened.... Yet ;)

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