When he visits you in class

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You were sitting in collage bored as fuck. Your professor was going on about genetics and random shit. "Mrs.(L/N) If I see you dozing off again, I will ask you to stay after class and do extra work!" He yelled. The popular girls in the back giggled, and the jocks snickered. "Yes Sir.." You mumbled, rolling your eyes. As your teacher continued rambling, a loud static filled everyone ears. The professor covered his ears, "By all means, what is this!?" He yelled. The entire class covered there ears attempting to block out the sound, but failed. Finally it stopped and in the front of the class was none other then your boyfriend, Slenderman. "I'm here to pick up Mrs.(L/N)." He said, acting as if it was nothing. Your teacher was scared shitless, "Uhhh... Uhhh... Uhhhh... T-Take h-her....." He said. You grabbed your backpack and binder and walked up to him. You kissed Slenderman on the cheek, "Thanks Slendy!" You said. The whole class was in shock, even your best friend (B/F/N). Before he teleported you to your house you said, "Think twice before you mess with me, because my boyfriend will shred you up!" When you got to your house Slendy shook his head, "Really (Y/N)?" You chuckled, "It's true. I hate that class because everyone in there laughs at me for being smart." You sighed. Slendy was fuming in anger. "I'll be right back..." He teleported back. You fell asleep waiting for him to return. The next day you went in all the people that hated you were terrified, and some were missing. You made sure to thank your boyfriend when you got home.

Jeff The Killer

You walked into culinary class with a sigh of relief. The jocks didn't mess with you at lunch. You went to your apron and tied it on and sat at your station. Your culinary teacher Mr.(T/N) was very nice to everyone. "Good afternoon class today we will be covering how to make pie from scratch! And then for your upcoming second semester project you will have to bake a pie, and will be based off of creativity, taste, and plating. Now lets get our ingrediants." ((I've seen enough cooking shows to know how to cook pie from scratch. Thank you food and cooking network!!))  He clasped his hands together. "Now you will need eggs, grahm cracker crumbles, a little bit of evaporated milk, and suger for your pie crust!" He said pulling out the ingrediants. As you continued in class, this really snobby girl dumped flour on you. Jeff was coming to pick you up for a date, and when he opened the door saw the entire thing. The whole class broke out into fits of laughter, except the teacher. "Mrs.Rebbeca you will be cleaning up this mess right now, and I will pull you out of my class!" The teacher fumed. But Jeff had a better idea. He tackled the girl to the ground and pulled out his knife, "Maybe even better if I made you GO.TO.SLEEP for fucking with my girlfriend!!" He yelled. Before he cut her throat you pulled him off, "Stop it Jeff. She isn't worth you going to jail!" You yelled. You were covered in flour still. Jeff stood up and sighed, "If you say so..." He said hugging you. He picked you up and carried you back to your house. After you fell asleep he made sure that girl went 'To Sleep' forever. The next day at school nobody bothered to fuck with because they were mortified of your boyfriend.

BEN Drowned

You were in the computer lab. Finals had come up and so the teachers made you write a report in (W/S) ((Worst Subject)). It was so you could bring up your grades for the ending of collage. You were on Wiki, and other educational sites trying to type. A bunch of other collage kids, mostly unpopular kids, were in there as well working on there IT projects. A few teachers as well to make sure nobody broke the computers. As you were typing something a loud ass voice came out of your computer, "Hey Babe!" BEN Yelled. You didn't have headphones in, so it made the other kids and teachers look at you funny. "BEN what are you doing?" You whispered, making people look at you funny. BEN's head popped out of the computer, "What? Can I not visit my girlfriend in school?" He smirked. You faced palm, "BEN There are other people in here! Whats Slenderman gonna think when he finds out that you exposed yourself?" "Hmmm... Didn't think about that." He shrugged his shoulders. He crawled completely out of your computer and looked around the room, "Is this what collage computer labs look like?" He asked. You only shook your head, "Oh boy what am I gonna do with you?" This kid thought it would be funny and sprayed him with a spray bottle full of water. BEN shreaked and clung to you, "GAHHHH IM DROWNING!!!' He yelled. The entire class laughed, including the teachers. "Some manly boyfriend you got there (Y/N)!" Scott chuckled. This made you mad, but before you could do anything BEN dragged you through the screen and into your room. "Don't worry (Y/N) I'll take care of him..." BEN said. You just shrugged your shoulders as BEN went through the TV. After about several hours later BEN came back covered in blood. When you walked into your room you heard him mumble, "He shouldn't have done that..."

Laughing Jack

You were in the library looking for a good book. Books always made you happy because you can have any adventure you want, without leaving your house. You noticed a new book from your favorite series and grabbed it. The bell rang signaling lunch, just as you finished checking out. You went to starbucks in the food court of your collage, as you were waiting you noticed these two boys looking at you creepily. You grabbed your hot chocolate, and (F/F) muffin and sat down. You opened your book and started reading until a voice came from in front of you, "Hey baby~" One of the boys that stared at you earlier said. Not wanting to be rude you replied, "Um Hey...." You said. The boys sat in front of you, "Why are you alone?' The other one asked. "Oh just reading..." The two boys smirked at each other, "Oh wanna do something fun~" Both of the boys had this weird look in there eyes, "Uhh no thanks. Im taken..." You mumbled, Catching onto there game. One of the boys was about to grab your arm when a familer voice boomed, "My girlfriend said no!" You looked up and saw LJ grabing the boys arm, trying not to rip it off. "Aw come on. We were just having fun~" The other one mumbled. LJ was pissed, "The lady said no!!!" He dragged them towards the bathrooms were painful screaming was heard. After about 30 minutes the screaming stopped and LJ walked out covered in blood. Everyone screamed and ran away. "Love you too..." You mumbled, making him blush. The wrapped his arms around you and teleported you home. He showered up and you guys went to bed. The next day the school was locked down do to the murder, and strangely the video footage was gone. Hmmm wonder how that happened? XD


You were on the track team for your collage. At the moment the foot ball players were in the center of the field, cheerleaders on the side grass, and the track members were on the track. Lots of stuff was coming for sports competition and so they made the stadium for everyone. One of the jocks decided to talk to you, "Hey (Y/N)!'' He said. You just waved, ignoring him. He grabbed your arm tightly, "Don't ignore me bitch!" He yelled in your face. In 2 seconds he was on the ground, with nothing but a blue blur following. Sonic came back, "Hey you okay?" He asked. All the other people ran away terrified. You nodded your head, "Yea..." You mumbled. To be honest your arm was bruised because of the Jocks grip. Sonic looked at were he grabbed you and saw a blue, hand shaped, bruise. "He did this..." Sonic growled. it actually hurt so bad, you cried. Sonic picked you up and ran you home, ignoring your coaches protest. You fell asleep on the way there. On the morning news the next day the jock had been killed, you made sure to thank sonic when he got home. ((Ran out of ideas, sorry))

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