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@MissJaymieHarper: The sis @NinaJHarper and I did a little interview with TV Guide Magazine before I left home for the amazing CACW journey. Go check it out! There's a few surprises! 😋

 Go check it out! There's a few surprises! 😋

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We sat down with the lovely Harper sisters to talk about life long dreams of acting, their inseparable sisterly bond,  and a little bit of love.

TVGM: Thanks for taking the time to come out and talk to us with both of you having busy schedules.

J: It wasn't a problem! We actually needed to get out of the house anyway.

N: We were starting to get cabin fever from sitting around ready scripts all day long.

TVGM: We don't want to keep you guys long so what do you say about getting this thing started?

J/N: Sure!

TVGM: So what is it like for both of you now that Jaymie seems to be becoming a bit more popular?

J: Honestly, I still don't believe it. Sometimes I think it's all a big joke and I'm waiting to get a call saying that it's all fake, but when I do realize that this is all happening it's so overwhelming but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I've wanted- well we both have- wanted to do professional acting for as long as we can remember really.

N: It never really mattered to us who made it first or how long it took to get there. We just wanted to do at least one thing and then if it jump started our careers then amazing and if it was a one hit wonder type of thing then so be it, we'd go away back to Australia and be forever grateful for the amazing opportunity that we had.

TVGM: While we're on the topic, I believe a certain congratulations is in order for you Nina. A little friend told us that you got your first TV acting role! How are you feeling about it?

N: Oh wow, thanks so much! I'm still on Cloud 9 honestly. I think the only other person more excited for this is Jaymie, oh and maybe our parents. They're who we have to thank for all of this. They've been nothing but supportive since day one.

TVGM: So it's quite obvious not only here but also on social media that you two are quite the team. Are your jobs going to impact your sisterly bond at all?

J: If it will do anything it'll just make us closer. It's always just been us against the world all the way through school and life afterwards. When we would go through a hard time in school we'd just come home and vent to each other about it. I think that it helps that we're twins so we've literally always been together, we don't really know life any other way than that.

N: Growing up we were never Nina Harper and Jaymie Harper, we were always known as the Harper sisters. One of our favorite things though is when people would refer to us by our names separately they would mix us up and we would just sit back and go with it. I think the only things we didn't do together were shower together and date the same guys.

TVGM: Speaking of which, are there any guys that you have fought over before or are both interested in now?

N: I'm pretty happy being single right now, but trust me if I'm out and see a cute guy I definitely take note of it. I've never really had the courage to go up and talk to them though. Jaymie on the other hand catches the guys' attention a lot, and there's one in particular I think she's starting to like...

J: Nina!

N: I think I love it even more because they have to work together and my money is definitely on them by the end of filming.

J: That's the last time I tell you anything involving guys.

N: No it's not and you know it.

TVGM: Well thank you guys for coming! It was really fun talking with you guys and we wish you two the best of luck on your futures! Come back and see us again soon!

J: Thank you for having us! We totally will be back!

N: Thanks guys! Lots of love to you!

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