Shot Through the Heart

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~Unnecessary Timeskip to when Levi is three months pregnant~
~Eren's POV~

I awoke and looked at the smaller boy curled up against my side. A small smile made its way to my face when I saw that he had snuggled up close to me, one hand laying on my chest under his head while the other hand rested on his slightly enlarged stomach. I rested my hand under his and smiled. I really didn't want to wake up up when I saw that my mom texted me telling me it was time for breakfast. But, I guess I had to. I sat up carefully, picking Levi up.

"Levs. It's breakfast time." I whisper into his ear.

"Mnh, five mur mnutes." (five more minutes)

"Okay. I'm gonna brush and floss your teeth. Is that okay?"

"Go ahead." He whispered, still super tired. I chuckled softly, setting him on my bathroom counter and letting him lean against the mirror which filled the wall above the sink. I then grabbed Levi's pink My Little Pony toothbrush and put some bubblegum toothpaste on it. Levi opened his mouth for me, his eyes half lidded and filled with sleep. I smiled, gently brushing all of his teeth before grabbing the fruitie tutie flavored floss and flossing his teeth. Once I had done the same to my own teeth, only using my toothbrush and mint toothpaste, I picked Levi back up, setting the small boy on my hip and walking downstairs. My mom smiled at me and Levi fondly, her honey colored eyes gleaming with happiness. She pinched my cheek.

"My little boy is all grown up now~" She cooed, setting down two plates with pancakes, sausage links and eggs on them.

"Eat up you two." Levi and I nodded, reaching for the butter to spread on our pancakes.

In the midst of mine and Levi's food-filled morning oblivion, we heard a door crash down and my father let out a stream of curses. I heard one gunshot before I saw my mother fall backwards into the dining room, a hole running clear through her head. (did I say that they would be happy KawaiiBootyButtorig? Well I kinda lied.) My father shouted for me to protect Levi before he was silenced. I gasped, whipping out my phone and calling 911 while I grabbed Levi, putting him on my hip as I ran out of the back door.

"This is 911 emergency services. What is the problem?"

"Yes, my name is Eren Jaeger and my mother and father were just shot. Please send police to 1848 Maria Road."

"Officers are on their way. Please try to stay within the vicinity of the house."

"I'll try but they have guns and are, -AUGH!" I fell to the ground when a sharp pain struck my spine. I clutched Levi tightly to my chest, shielding him with my body. The smaller boy scrambled for my phone and held it to his ear.

~Levi's POV~

"Eren? Are you still there sir?"

"No, he's been shot. I'm his boyfriend Levi Rivaille. Please tell me that you're sending an ambulance as well."

"We are sending all three emergency services. Please just try to keep some pressure on the wound."

"O-okay." I stutter, rolling Eren over and pressing down harshly on the bullet wound blood seeped through my fingers and I cried harshly.

"Please don't leave me Eren. Please don't." I cried, then hearing the sirens. Right on time too. I thought as my vision blurred and I passed out.



Erin Jaeger

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