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I sat on the edge of my chair, unblinkingly staring into the face of the inevitable; thinking about him. I hate that he has the ability to invade my thoughts like this.

Do you ever just crave someone's presence?

I can literally sit next to him in silence and be happy. Almost as if, I found some sort of inner oneness and feel like I'm at peace with myself.

I've never reacted to someone so strongly as I have towards him. In the short time that I've known him, he shouldn't have this much of an affect on me at all. He doesn't say anything to me and he probably doesn't even know my name. I'm scared of what may or may not happen. I don't like this feeling of uncertainty, confusion, and I really don't wanna put myself out there and wind up getting hurt.

Dante Brown should be the last thing on my mind. I have other important personal, athletic and academic responsibilities to worry about. Basketball and track season can't come fast enough for me.

I can't continue to sit here, not when I have work in a few hours, and wallow in my self-pity. A low growl passed through my lips as I pushed myself out of the chair. I tottered into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I stayed in the shower for a good half hour, got out, and washed my face. I applied Jergens Pure African Shea Butter all over my body and some Secret pH Balanced deodorant

I dressed in a . After applying a little bit of makeup, I clasped brushed my newly straightened hair into a topknot bun, and .


As I listened to Jhene Aiko radio on Pandora, my thoughts scattered and formed landing on him again. I'm so sick and tired of acting like some lovesick, helpless romantic. I've only seen the boy in school and at Drea's house and I've already caught feelings. I'm completely and utterly absurd to even think of him as anything more than my best friend's brother. Dante doesn't even regard me the same, so there's no point in getting all worked up- besides he has a girlfriend and I have better things I can be doing.

"Stop thinking about him, he's not thinking about you." I whisper to myself.

But he's taking over my mind.

"Who's not thinking about you, Cay?" Drea Brown asks, pulling out one of my earbuds out.

Drea is my one and only friend, that also happens to be Dante's little sister. I know best friends are supposed to tell eachother everything, but this is the one secret I kept to myself. I would just die if anyone found out about my little fantasies. I can tell Drea anything, but not that, I'm not entirely sure about her reaction to my 'obsession' with her older brother.

"Nobody, Dre." I quickly respond.

"You thought, bitch, you thought," she yells, stabbing her finger in the air. "I know about your crush on my damn brother!"

I blinked hard and stuttered,"I-I, um Drea-"

"It's okay though, it's all gucci." She moves to stand next to me and wrapped her arms around her stomach,"But you do know he's dating Valencia, right?"

"Yeah, I know." I scoff and roll my eyes.

Valencia Fenty had been Dante's girlfriend for as long as I can remember. Of course they took breaks and saw other people during them, but they got right back together.

Then there was Branden Graham.

He was the one Valencia ran to, when Dante acted up. The three of them have a lot of history together, the boys were friends, but Valenzia somehow ruined it for them. Rumor has it that Branden, Dante, and Valencia had a threesome. Everyone was talking about it, all the boys could do was deny it. You never once heard Valencia speak on the subject, no matter how much talk there had been.

Nevertheless Dante and Valencia have been through it all. I honestly think I have no chance of being Dante's girl, as long as she's in the way.

Drea bursts into a fit of laughter,"Hey I don't like her all that much either, but she's always been around."

"True, but its so irritating to hear her try to play up that Barbados accent and see her in Dante's face all the freakin' time."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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