June 26th, 2016

4 0 2

5:08 pm

I could barely sleep last night. You've been gone for so long, you know? You're forcing me to live without you and it's tearing me apart. You said forever, once upon a time..but I guess forever is just a given amount of months. And I suppose that's not either of our fault. It's time.

I think time hates me.
Because I know the day will come, no matter how much you try to convince me that it won't. The day that you would leave and never come back. It's just a matter of when?

How do you prepare for something like that? For your entire world to just. Disappear.

Well, I guess in a way you're training me. Training me for the day that I die. Training be for the beginning of the rest of my life as the shell of what used to be someone in love.

Thanks, I suppose.

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