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"Hello, hello, hello." A sinister voice called out as the boat emerged from the fog. I would rather of taken my chances with lachrymose leeches. I tried to climb out of the boat only to be held tightly by Klaus before I had even reached the edge.

"I missed you guys." Olaf said, his repulsive face showing. I felt Klaus's grip on my waist tighten.

"Well the feeling is NOT mutual!" I retorted.

"Shhh. Do you want to get us killed?" Klaus scolded in my ear, but I knew he didn't mean for it to come of like that.

"Well it looks like you could use a little assistance, love." Olaf spoke to me.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Klaus shouted.

" Look it's the boyfriend. Help me!" Olaf mocked. Klaus moved me behind him so I watched over his shoulder.

"You're the one that's going to need help when we get back to town! Aunt Josephine is going to tell everyone what you did!" Klaus shouted at him. The leeches continued chewing through the boat.

"Then ill be arrested and sent to jail, and you'll live happily ever after with a friendly guardian, spending your time inventing things and reading books and designing clothes and sharpening your little monkey teeth. And this wicked world will slowly but surely become a place of cheerful harmony. And everyone will be singing and dancing and giggling like the littlest elf because bravery has prevailed at last. Is that what you had in mind? Because I think that no one will believe a dead woman." Olaf ended his little speech on a darker side. He does ramble a little bit. We are slowly getting chewed to pieces and he is happy to talk rubbish while we die.

"You're not going to touch Aunt Josephine. She's going to tell everyone what happened." Klaus explained.

"No, no, no, I wont tell anybody what happened. I promise. Please don't throw me to the leeches. You can have the fortunes, you can have the children." Aunt Josephine begged as she handed Sunny over to Count Olaf. I noticed that I was standing on the back end of the boat, which was getting further away from Olaf's boat. Klaus and Violet stepped aboard his boat to Sunny. But I was still on the sinking death trap. The adults started talking and Klaus looked over at me.

"Freya, come on." Klaus called to me.

"Freya, come on." Klaus called to me. We were at a swimming pool in my back yard; it was the middle of summer. That autumn my parents died. Klaus was on a yellow blow up boat and he wanted me to step into it. I was 10 at the time and wasn't the best swimmer. I was standing on the edge of the pool and the boat was about 1m in front of me. Klaus had his arms outstretched, beckoning me over.

"Ill catch you, you wont fall." He promised. I grabbed his hands and he began to pull me over to him. When I placed my foot in the boat, I slipped and fell into the water. I couldn't get up for air, our parents were inside so I couldn't get help, Klaus could swim but he wasn't a strong swimmer, I was going to drown. I heard Klaus shout for help. I began to run out of air, when a man jumped in and pulled me up. I gasped for air as we surfaced and I coughed. When they sat my on the ground I saw that it was Mr Baudelaire.

"Thank you." I coughed.

"Freya! Are you ok?" Klaus asked, panic evident in his voice.

"You said you'd catch me." I began to cry. It took me hours to forgive Klaus. Normally I would have been angrier for longer but we were best friends. Ever since then I was always cautious around water.

The memory flooded back and I froze. I knew Klaus understood what was wrong.

"Freya, I promise you, you wont fall into the leeches. I wasn't strong enough back then, but now I am. Please trust me." Klaus pleaded, with his arms reaching out. Now the boat was a metre away so Klaus would have to pull me onto the boat. I grabbed his hands and stepped to the edge. I jumped and Klaus pulled me to his body. I felt my feel collide with the boats floor and my body crash into Klaus's. His arms immediately locked around my small frame and mine wrapped themselves around his neck. I was still in shock that I had made it, but Klaus whispered soothing things in my ear, calming me down. When I had calmed down enough, he kissed my cheek and we turned to Olaf and Josephine talking.

"Haven't" Josephine corrected. Bad move aunt jo.

"What?" Asked Olaf confused.

"You said hadn't. You should have said you haven't been a very trustworthy person." I exchanged looks of worry with the Baudelaires while holding Klaus's hand.

"Thank you for correcting me." He spoke with an evil grin as we saw him push against her, moving the two boats further and further apart.

"Aunt Josephine!" Violet, Klaus and I screamed out. We saw the boat split and her fall under water. The Lake silenced her pain filled cries.

"Aunt Josephine..." Klaus said, all that was left was the banana peel that lead us to this situation.

"Well, we've done all we can do." Olaf stated, earning him a death glare from both Violet and me.

A boat horn sounded, causing us to turn and look in that general direction.

"Everybody be cool," Olaf instructed. I had no intention of 'being cool'.

"Children," called Mr Poe, "is that you?"

"Mr Poe, we are..." Olaf grabbed him by the collar and pulled him away from me.

"Drowning," Olaf finished. He shoved Klaus's head under water.

"Klaus!" I shouted. When the Mr Poe was through the fog and could clearly see our boat, Olaf pulled Klaus up.

"I saved him! I saved the boy from the leeches!" Olaf announced, "back to the depths you fiendish devils, you will not devour this boys head today." With that he pulled Klaus into an over exaggerated hug, which Klaus swiftly pushed out of and embraced me instead.

"Count Olaf? What are you doing here?" Poe questioned.

"Mr Poe, let me handle this. Count Olaf, What are you doing here man?" The detective repeated. What was the point? Thanks detective for that unneeded delay.

"I know, I know, I shouldn't have come. But I heard that they were in danger and I had to act, I had to save them! Even if I'm not fit to be their guardian." What! He was now guilt tripping two grown men so he could get his filthy hands on our fortunes!

"It appears I was wrong about you." Poe began.

"No!" We all objected, all being Klaus, Violet and me.

"You have proven yourself to be an exceptionally capable guardian. I wouldn't be fulfilling my responsibility if I didn't place the children with you immediately." With those words, Mr Poe signed our death sentence; he opened up the doors to hell for us all.

"Why if it weren't for you..." He began again.

"Don't say it," Olaf silenced, "I can't stand the thought of losing my little angels. Even the thought of the two massive inheritances would be a constant reminder of my heartache." He held us tightly. I just curled closer into Klaus, who gladly accepted my embrace.

"Well there's no need to fret about that. The law clearly states that you wouldn't inherit the fortunes if anything happened to the children." Poe commented.

"Say what?" Clearly someone had not looked into the law of inheritance.

"No, no. With the exception of course, of blood relatives, mistress's and married couples." Explained the banker.

"Really?" We looked helplessly as Mr Poe just explained to our future killer how to get our money.

"Mr Poe, have you heard of our new play?" His face alights with fake happiness.

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