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"Dinner is served." Violet said nervously. I stood beside Klaus.

"What is this?" He snarled.

"Putnesca." Klaus explained.

"What did you just call me?" Count Olaf doesn't get out much judging by the lack of knowledge about simple food meals. I saw that his troupe was behind him.

"Its pasta, pasta putnesca." Klaus elaborated.

"Where's the roast beef?" He asked. Like we could find roast beef in those cupboards.

"We didn't know you wanted roast beef." Violet answered.

"And the cupboards were bare. Maybe if you got up off your lazy ass you'd know." I muttered. However he heard it. He strode over to us in a menacing way.

"You know, there's a big world out there filled with desperate orphans who would gladly take your place. But I chose you. All I ask is that you do each and every thing that pops into my head, while I enjoy your enormous fortunes." Olaf said, while glaring at all of us. I knew that somehow he didn't actually want children, he just wanted money and a few slaves.

"No." Klaus said strongly.

"Why you little... Ahh!" The man exclaimed. Before he could touch Klaus, Sunny had bit him. They exchanged some gibberish before he picked up Sunny and she instantly burst into tears.

"PUT HER DOWN!" Klaus said defending his sister. Quicker than you could imagine an enormous hand smacked down on Klaus's face, causing him to stumble and fall backwards while the sound echoed around us.

"You're a vile and cruel man. You shouldn't be able to keep children. You're a disgrace to society." I snapped back. I snatched Sunny from him and handed him to Violet.

"You monster!" She exclaimed. The man glared at me menacingly.

"You all saw it. The boy slipped." Olaf covered up. The situation was unbelievable.

"No he did not and you know that!" I retorted. The acting troupe gasped at me answering back. I was usually respectful and polite, but not to him anymore. Not after he slapped my best friend. I could already see the red mark coming up on his perfect face.

"You wont get a cent until Violet and Freya turn 18." Klaus pushed me behind him to protect me from Count Olaf. How could I not fall for him?

"Oh really... Says who?" Olaf asked.

"The law. Look it up!" Klaus said back.

"We're going to call Mr Poe about this right now." Violet said.

"Really?" The villain questioned. Before we knew what happened, Violet was being pushed upstairs to our attic room, Klaus was being pushed upstairs, but I was being held by one of the actors by the hair. (More violence up ahead. X)

"Klaus!" I screamed as none of them had noticed I wasn't with them. He whipped his head back, saw me and began thrashing around. Count Olaf grabbed his shirt and continued to push him upstairs. When this happened, the man holding me yanked my hair towards the entertainment room, causing me to follow.

"Let Her Go! Leave Her Alone!" I heard shouted from Klaus. Obviously his requests were denied. The last thing I heard from Klaus was his relentless banging on the door in a feeble attempt to break it down.

When The Count returned to me, he slapped me, causing me to knock down a few books as I slammed against the wooden floor. He whispered something in the ears of the troupe. Suddenly the girls were trying to hold me while the boys ran their hands along my body. Their smirks of evil added to the sinister situation. One of my stockings was yanked down and my once beautiful dress now had many rips in it. I began to cry.

Only the situation got worse when the hooked hand guy decided to run his hook down my arm. I screamed and tried to get free of the grip. When I did this, however, it got worse. The hook dug into my shoulder, drawing a little blood. The many remaining hands pinched and punched me. The man dragged his hook to my elbow then stopped. He did this action painfully slowly causing me to scream and cry more.

"Do you see what happens when you disobey me?" The count smirked.

"Answer me!" He demanded, while delivering a nice kick to my side. I just nodded my head.

"Will you do it again?" He asked, keeping his cold deadeye stare. I shook my head.

"To make sure..." Then he ripped out my mother's hairpiece from my head.

"Don't!" I cried.

Then a large man grabbed my hair and forced me upstairs. I let out a small whimper but kept walking. He opened the door, shoved me in and locked it back up.

The picture in front of me was pretty. They had built a tent and projected their mother and father onto it. I let out a silent sob and stubbled to the corner. I pulled up my stocking and wept. I wept over the loss of the only thing I had left of my parents. I wept over our bad situation. I wept over what had happened. I felt someone crouch ahead of me.

"Frey?" Klaus asked. He had bed hair and tired eyes.

"I'm sorry I woke you, just go back to sleep. I promise I'm ok." I replied in a barley audible tone. I was then pulled into a tight hug and hair was stroked. I went to return the hug but winced in pain instead. Klaus pulled back and saw my bleeding arm.

"Freya, what did they do to you?" He exclaimed in a whisper. He grabbed my arm gently and examined the long cut on my left arm. I knew he had read books on medicine and first aid, so I trusted him completely. He found a cloth and tightly wrapped it around my arm like a bandage.

"You need to go to hospital for that." He stated. I knew that but we couldn't get out.

My arm had stopped bleeding and Klaus was cuddling me close to him.

"What happened to your dress?" He asked.

"They ripped it." I said sadly.

"Who took your hairpiece?"

"Olaf." I one word answer meant that Klaus cuddled me closer. He shushed me until I fell asleep, dreaming of him and our life before all this drama. I knew that Klaus was the one fore me. Little did I know then, that he returned my affections.


I had Freya curled up in my arms. She looked so peaceful when she slept. Her expression was almost happy. When she was downstairs, I had ranted to Violet and when we heard he cry's Sunny started crying. We had built a small tent and all fallen asleep. I woke up feeling guilty I had slept for the first time without Freya. The silence was interrupted by cries from outside I found Freya and we talked. I was shocked when I heard they had taken her mother's hairpin from her. The cut on her arm was wrapped, but I would have to clean it somehow.

I watched my best friend sleep. I noticed how beautiful she looked in that dress and, even with her eyes red from crying, how her face shone in the moonlight. I was unsure for quite sometime about this feeling. The way I felt the need to protect her, or the way I would steal glances when she read Romeo and Juliet – her face smiling while she read it- in the early morning, or the need to be around her. I had denied what all the books had said about this. Freya got me to read Romeo and Juliet. Then I noticed I felt the same as Romeo did towards Juliet. Now, with Frey in my arms, I finally accepted it. I was in love with Freya Harrington.

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