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My name is Freya Harrington. My parents died when I was 10. They requested that I live and stay with the Baudelaire's. Luckily I was at the beach with the Baudelaire children when the house fire killed my parents. The only thing that I could salvage was my mother's hairpiece. Now it never leaves my hair. This is the story of how I fell for my best friend, how he fell for me and how we stopped a dastardly villain. Now lets get into the story.

Violet Baudelaire was the eldest Baudelaire child. She was also a good friend to me. Occasionally I would help her with her inventions. She was amazingly bright and we loved to spend Sunday searching for new things to build. It was quite entertaining. Although she was 1 years older than me at 17, we were close. We were home schooled so it was only natural we became friends. Both Violet and I weren't that good at making friends, meaning we just stuck together.

Sunny Bauldelaire was the youngest child of the family. I was like her other sister. When her brother couldn't play and Violet was busy, it was me who always played with her. She enjoyed it and I could tell she liked me to.

The final Baudelaire was Klaus. He was my best friend since I was born. I was one month younger than him. We played on his front lawn together. We fell asleep side-by-side. We grew up best friends. Now we are both 16 and almost inseparable. (Apart from the times I was with Violet and Sunny.) We read together. He read the non-fiction while I mostly read the fiction. (My favourite being Romeo and Juliet as it was once my grandmothers, which was always at the Baudelaires.) However I insisted on reading over his shoulder when he read myths and legends or he was reading about code or encryption, those were interesting. We would have competitions working out what the messages say. At dinner we always sat together. At night his parents would say goodnight, me being in violets room, but once they came to wake us up I would always be in Klaus's room. They couldn't work out how I managed to creep in, I just did. They tried to lock our doors, that didn't work. We just couldn't sleep. That was true since we were very little. So it's only natural that I started to fall for my best friend. Once I reached 14, I knew that I loved him. But he doesn't know that.

Anyway, on to the story. We begin, not with a happy event, but a very sad one. We were playing at Briny Beach when we saw Mr Poe emerging from the fog. I had seen him before, when my parents died. He came to me when at the beach, on a day very much like today, and told me the tragic news. All I did was cry on Klaus's shoulder while he held me. (In a friend way.) Seeing him now, and thinking back to that day, he had the same look on his face. I began to fear the worst as Sunny cried some gibberish while pointing at the banker. He turned and addressed the Buadelaires

"Children, I'm afraid I must inform you of an extremely unfortunate event. I'm sorry to tell you that your parents have perished in a fire which destroyed your entire home." He explained. I must say that he doesn't show emotion well. The Baudelaires faces dropped. I was speechless. My parents- and now their parents- had died in a fire that destroyed both our homes. Tragic. Talk about lightening striking twice for me. My parents and now my guardians are dead. Perhaps it was I. The curse of Freya, those who look after her will die.

We all filed into Mr Poe's car without a word. The children hadn't cried or spoke a word. When we all arrived and we walked into the ruins of the mansion, Violet had tears in her eyes. The atmosphere was indescribable. The silence, but not really silent, sound around us hung heavy. Violet went to one of the rooms, whereas Klaus and me headed instinctively towards the library. Upon arriving I gasped. I followed Klaus as he found his head torch and then a spyglass. All of the books were gone, well but one. I had taken Romeo and Juliet with me to the beach that day. Reluctantly we all left.

In the back of the car I sat to the left of Klaus. Mr Poe began talking about legal rubbish so I gave up and daydreamed. I listened back in at the right time.

"So I'm taking you to live with your dear Count Olaf, who resides right here in the city. Isn't that exiting?" Mr Poe asked. No! It was not exciting.

"I don't think that's what closest is supposed to mean." Klaus commented. Mr Poe began explaining how he was an actor and a cousin. I got bored and looked out of the window. Before I knew it we were approaching a beautiful house.

I got out and stood next to the Baudelaires. They were talking but I just zoned out, until they began turning around to face an ugly mansion.

"Da." Said Sunny. Meaning 'lets sleep outside'.

"I agree Sunny." I agreed. My face mirrored the unimpressed looks of my friends. We nervously approached the run down house.

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