Wake Up, You're 13!

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Today was my thirteenth birthday. Well, our thirteenth birthday. If you don't remember, me and Jennifer were born on the same day- December 31st.

I know how some people say they "woke up to an especially brilliant sunshine" and other stuff like that.

Yeah, I woke up to a bright sunshine, but it was almost too bright. But what do you expect when the whole landscape is covered with snow?

And then I realized I had a splitting headache.

No! I thought. Not today.

Usually my birthday's were dull like this anyway. People always talk about "colors being brighter" on your birthday. They talk about "blue skies" and "rainbows".

It really ticks me off.

I mean, what's so vibrant about waking up on your thirteenth birthday with a splitting headache? The sun was white, the sky was gray, and the snow was the color of paste.

People always laugh when I tell them this. They say that the sky is blue and there are beautiful rainbows of color and luscious green grass and striking red roses.

Color seems like an amazing thing.


I went to Jenny's bedroom to wake her up, my spirits finally rising.

A headache shouldn't stop anyone from having the greatest birthday ever.

I ran into her room and to her bed. Her bedsheets were soft and velvety with basketballs on them.

I looked at her.

She looked strong and pretty, with her straight hair ironed flat and her eyelashes curled.

Sometimes I didn't even believe we were twins.

I put a hand on her shoulder and shook her awake. "Jenny! Wake up! It's your birthday!" I giggled. She stirred for a few moments before opening her eyes.

She looked at me as if I were a dancing taco.


She sat up completely and woke up completely.

"Happy Birthday, Jenny!" I yelled.

She pulled me into a hug. "We're thirteen!"

Once she pulled away, she frowned and put a finger to her forehead. "I think I have a headache," she said.

I laughed in surprise. "Me too," I said, to her surprise.

Jenny gave me the are-you-a-dancing-taco look again.

"Come on," she said. "I think Mom made waffles today."


After brushing our teeth and freshening up a bit, Jenny and I went downstairs.

As soon as we entered the kitchen, Mom and Dad yelled "Happy Birthday!" rather loudly.

I looked around. There were balloons and streamers hanging from the ceiling.

I think they overdid it a little.

But... Mom did make waffles. And they had whipped cream and maple syrup on them. The number 13 was written on each waffle with blueberries. Jenny put sprinkles on hers, which I didn't think sounded very delicious.

We finished our waffles just in time for school!

As I ran out the door (while Jenny hurried to catch up to me), Mom and Dad both came out the door and wished us a happy birthday.

As I looked back at them, I saw Mom gesturing for me to come to her.

I went, confused. "What is it, Mom?"

She smiled. "Come back around three, no earlier than 3. Okay? Tell Jenny."

I was confused. "Um... okay."

Mom smiled. "Hurry up, birthday girl. You don't want to miss the bus!"

I ran to the bus stop just in time, still a bit confused.

I hopped onto the bus, telling Jenny what Mom said quickly before she had time to process the information.

Jenny was going to reply, but I was already sitting in my regular seat all the way at the back of the bus, next to John Meyers.

The bus started moving.

"Happy Birthday, Octopus!"

I frowned. I hated his nickname for me, but it was funny.

"Thanks, Johnny Appleseed!"

He frowned too.

It was going to be a great day.


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