"Racist" Black People

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Racism- the systematic oppression of a race, right?

Therefore, a black person cannot be racist towards a white person unless it in fact affects the entirety of the White race.

Though that does not exclude that black person from having a "superiority complex", or being prejudiced.

But, unless that black person's people have:
a.) Abused their federal power to shoot your sons.
b.) Decided to throw out your pristine job application purely because your name "sounded too white".
c.) Given your men unfair prison sentences for things that they most likely did not do, while excluding black men for doing extensive amounts of time in general.

Do black people do these things? Rarely.

Do I expect a significant change?

Fuck yeah; but that takes meticulous work and tremendous brainpower.

Constantly, I'm reminded that reverse racism is a thing. It is in fact not, stop trying to take our shit and twist it around to mold onto your high-ass expectations.

Let us have this one, for once in your privileged lives. Let us have this one fucking semblance of familiarity with something? Before you wipe it away again and force us to conform to your impossible standards.

Much love,

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