"So we are having all boys" Jackson says breaking the ice

"Yea, but i'm going to teach them the right way to treat a lady" I say

"Look i'm sorry for saying I didn't care about them, I was just stupid I always cared it's just that when your dad hung my dad on a flag pole when they were younger I kinda held a grudge so when Steven placed that bet I didn't care but now I truly care about both you and my sons, I know I am late but I want to at least be able to be in their life" Jackson says looking deeply into my eyes and I know he isn't lying

"I never meant to say for you not to be in their live's it was just in the moment" I say

"So were good?" he says

"Yea were good" I smile and he gives me a hug then the doctor walks in with two sets of pictures

"Here you guys go and in 3 weeks is your next check up" the doctor hands me a note with the appointment date

Jackson and I walk out of the room.

"I have to pee" I say and walk towards the bathroom

As I walk in the bathroom I hear lips smacking.

"Omg Bruno I missed you so much" I hear Hannah voice say

"Me too" he replies

Now I don't have to use the bathroom, I walk out in tears and I see Jackson still waiting.

"Woah Lilly are you good?" He asks and I shake my head

"What happened" he asked

"Bruno cheated on me with a bitch he got pregnant before he moved to Orlando" I say and I see Jackson getting mad

"I have an idea, we will give him a taste of his own medicine" he says

"What do y" I am cut off by Jackson's lips on mine and I kiss back

"Lily what are you doing?" Bruno says in an angry tone, Jackson and I separate and I look at Bruno who has a fresh hickey on his neck

"I can ask you the same" I say looking at both Hannah and him

"What do you" I cut him off

"Cut the bull Bruno I heard you making out with Hannah in the bathroom and I can clearly see the fresh hickey on your neck, so i'm done with you" I say and walk out with Jackson following me

"Need a ride?" he asks and I nod

"Yea" I say walking to his car and getting in


Jackson dropped me off and I Bruno's car in my driveway. I walk into the house and see him talking to my brothers

"Is it true, you cheated on Bruno with Jackson" Andrew asks in a mad tone

"First of all he cheated on me first and it was all in revenge" I say

"That's all bull I would never cheat" Bruno lies

"Yea the explain the hickey on your neck cause god knows I don't fuck with giving hickeys" I say and I see Manny think

"It's true remember the time you had a hickeys on your neck and Lily didn't even want to look at you until they were gone" Manny sides with me and Andrew starts to think

"Come on dude bros before h" He was cut off by Andrew

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, I thought you were better that this Bruno but you leave me no choice LEAVE NOW!" Andrew yells and Bruno walks towards the door

"I was just in it to get into Lily's pants and money" Bruno smirks and Andrew lunges at him, Manny goes over to them and knocks him out then my dad walks in

"What the hell is going on?" dad asks

"Well Bruno cheated and I kinda knocked him out" Manny says and smirks

"I remember the time Luis cheated on your mom and we hung him on a flag pole by his boxers" dad chuckles a little

"Maybe we can do something like that" Andrew says

"Yea, lets strip him naked and tie him to the school's flag pole" Manny says and we all agree

We then place Bruno into my car and we drive to school

We then strip down him and tie him tightly to the pole so he can't get out, the his phone vibrated and he just got a text from Hannah

Hannah = hannah // Bruno = Lily

{Hannah} Hey babe, did you steal the money from the Luh's?

{Bruno} Not yet

{Hannah} OK babe but this was a great plan to trick Lily into thinking you actually cared for her again

{Bruno} Yea babe, can you facetime me

Bruno's phone started to ring for a facetime call.

"Hey ba" she says but cuts herself off after seeing me

"So you and him are trying to steal our money, well news flash your boyfriend is a pussy ass bitch that can't even defend himself" I show her Bruno that is tied to the pole and who is waking up

"What the hell" Bruno panics

"Oh little Martinez you thought you can trick me but think again lover boy, if you ever try to mess with me again I will take matters into my dad's and grandpa's hands" I say placing his phone on the ground and walking back to the car with Manny and Andrew.

"That was awesome" Andrew says and I nod in agreement

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