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I think a good place to start is the bill of rights. I wrote a piece on facebook some weeks ago saying that I am proud to be a Patriot. And these are the reasons why. 

The first amendment gave me the right to post that piece. The first amendment allows me to put something like this on Wattpad or  some other blog site. The first amendment gives me the freedom to put a picture of my cat on Instagram and to post a political opinion on twitter and all that other fun stuff. It gives me the right to criticize the government, the first amendment gives me the right to use my voice and to be able to speak this truth. 

The First Amendment also gives me the right to freedom of the press, so I can publish this work when I'm done on paper copy or online copy or some other medium. The first amendment allows me to be a christian. Or a Jew, a Hindu, Buddhist, a Confucian, Animist, Satanist. Point being is that the first amendment gives me the freedom of religion. I discuss more detail on the separation of church and state later. 

Now the Second amendment, the boogeyman between both conservatives and liberals alike. The second amendment was put there so that the people can have the ability to revolt against a tyrannical government. The founding fathers knew this because they themselves revolted against a tyrannical government, the British Empire! Thomas Jefferson and George Washington especially knew this and are frequently quoted on the importance of the right to keep and bear arms. 

Some... fools... think that the second amendment was meant only for muskets. Well if that were the case the second amendment would sound a little bit of something like this: 'The right to the people to keep and bear flint locks and muskets... shall not be infringed.' 

Firstly that just doesn't sound right at all. The founding fathers knew that advancements in weapon technology is going to advance. In fact, the wild west wouldn't be so wild if the second amendment didn't protect the right for cowboys to have their six shooters and shot guns. 

Now, the argument for the second amendment was meant for us to only have a military doesn't make any sense either. Here is the exact text, with some emphasis: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This whole amendment was meant for both the establishment of the military, but also to preserve the freedom of America's own civilians by giving them the ability to fight back against said army. The whole point for the second amendment is so the people can protect themselves from a wrong, evil government which we are now hosting today. On June 26 of the year 2016. 

This last statement is very, very important. 'Shall not be infringed'. This means that the founding fathers definitely meant that the right to keep and bear arms will be a permanent thing, and if a future government from the time this was written, decides to take our arms away from us, the general population, the law abiding citizen, we the people would know that this is wrong and we need to stop this from happening!

The third amendment which states: restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent, forbidding the practice in peacetime. (paraphrased) 

I don't think we personally have had this issue for a very long time. Maybe during the civil war but that is the only instance I can think that would require soldiers to think of being quartered in private homes. This amendment doesn't beg too much argument as it has really been a non-issue. 

The fourth amendment, which states: prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. (paraphrased) 

I have a very, very big issue with this, personally. A quick story if you wouldn't mind. During my high-school career thus far, I missed out on three homecoming dances and a prom because of this amendment. I thank the founding fathers that this exists, but I find it atrocious that they wanted to search and violate my body so that they can make sure I wont get drunk, or get my peers drunk, or that I'll do anything stupid if I enter drunk. 

This whole thing was caused by the event of two kids who arrived drunk and ruined the 2013 prom. So the student counsel and the school board agreed that a breathalyzer test was needed so this doesn't happen again. Without ANY regard to others right to privacy, without any regard for the probable cause. Please note that the school board and staff did not have probable cause on 400 individuals who were going into a dance. They did not have warrants for 400 kids. Sure, the argument that we were in a government institution dismisses the right, as well as the fact that we are minors. 

That argument is what infuriates me the most, that I cannot have my God given rights because I'm in a building that was payed for by tax payer dollars? If anything my rights should be enhanced because I'm in a government institution and currently am a minor! The sad thing is that the only way I could fight back against this violation of privacy is that I didn't go. I didn't go because I had the choice of not going. People say I have no right to complain because I chose to not go. No, I was forced not to go because of the violation of privacy, you bigots and your 'protection of minors.' kids make mistakes, let us make them and learn the repercussions now instead of making mistakes as an adult and have to go to jail to learn the lesson!

The 5th through 8th amendments I do not see much issue with, the justice system is pretty robust and abide by these amendments pretty well. 

The 9th amendment is stating that one right cannot nullify another on a case by case basis. the exact text is here: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Another point to make on the 9th amendment is saying that people have more rights than what is put in the constitution. The founding fathers didn't quite want to write down every right a person had, so they just put it down to a sentence saying that people have a right to sit where they choose, live where they'd like and so forth. 

The tenth amendment is as follows: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

This is probably one of the bigger gripes that I have with the government today. The government is not supposed to have the fbi, cia, nsa, batf, fda, an education board, none of that. The only things the government is supposed to have is the military, legislative, executive and judicial branches, taxation and that is IT. The Federal Government is to handle outside threats, foreign threats. While the state governments handle local, domestic issues. The states are meant to handle their own education systems, their own police, local taxes and so many other institutions that shouldn't even be part of the feds. every state should have it's own fda, batf, nsa. If they so choose! The feds aren't supposed to limit the states, the states are meant to limit the feds! that is why we are where we are today! All these domestic issues are derived from the feds overreaching their bounds! This is why people are shouting for no more guns! When the quiet majority of gun owners are scared of speaking out about how wrong this is. And that my friends is because the liberals will turn violent to get what they want, a government to tell them what to do, to take away their rights so they can feel all safe and secure in their homes. falsely secure in the thought that they are protected from the common criminal. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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