Chief raised his right fist and brought it down onto the Samus' left knee causing her to kneel. He brought back his back again and connected it with the Samus' head. She was dazed by the hit for a moment but quickly shook herself out of it. She jumped back a fair distance and charged again. Chief attempted another right hook.

Samus ducked to the left and swept Chief's feet from under him. As Chief began to fall onto his back Samus brought up her elbow and smashed it down into Chief's gut, his energy shield burst at that instant. The Master Chief let out a grunt pain. He recovered quickly and straddled Samus over her torso. Chief put a knee on each of her arms and sent a flurry of punches to her head. He kept smashing his fists on her face until Samus over came her daze and bucked Master Chief off of her.

Chief fell face first onto the thin platform. They both scrambled back onto their feet as fast as they could, ensuring that their opponent wouldn't get the best of them. Samus contemplated on using a Mega Bomb to end this fight soon but voted against it. The Mega Bomb would destroy the platform that they where currently fighting on, which was already weak as it is, causing both her and her opponent to fall to their deaths. And if the fall didn't kill her then the tons and tons of debris from the collapsed ceiling definitely would.

They engaged in an intricate dance of fists and kicks. They dodged whenever they could, a few counters were thrown in only to be countered again. Neither could land a hit against the other until a fatal mistake was made. The mistake was on Samus' part.

She tried to block a punch that Master Chief threw at her but she severely underestimated the strength behind the punch, sending her skidding back a few feet. Chief dove in after her, not giving her time to recuperate. He unleashed Hell on Samus' torso, and occasionally head, with a flurry of punches and kicks and Samus couldn't do anything to stop it. She watched as all her energy tanks in her Varia Suit emptied rapidly due to the punishment she was receiving.

She was floating in and out of consciousness as she tried to defend herself. The storm of fists and feet did not let up. An right uppercut strait to the chin finally did the deed. She fell unconscious at the same time her Varia suit dissipated. She landed on the platform with a loud thud.

Chief panted from fatigue and winced as the pain finally caught up with him. He had five dislocated fingers, three on his left hand and two on his right. Just because he had neigh unbreakable bones doesn't mean they can't be dislocated. He stared down at the figure laying prone in front of him. It looked like a human and a woman at that. After catching his breath he set his fingers back into place with a grunt.

The woman had blond hair tied back into a pony tail, she had a fair face and a defined jawline. A blue suit clung tightly like a second skin to her body. A symbol glowed on her left chest. A holster was strapped to her right thigh with what looked like a pistol in it.

"Athena." He called. Her face appeared on the top left corner of his visor.

"Close call huh? She nearly got you there! Now, get your ass up and blow this place sky high!" She cheered in her usual cheery attitude. He ignored her and said, "Bio scan stat." She was silent for a few moments.

Two gears appeared above her head and started to turn. After a moment the gears stopped turning and her eyes widened with realization.

"No... You aren't... But how can... You can't be serious about this! She tried to kill you!" She yelled outraged by what she had realized he was going to do.

"So did the Arbiter," he retorted, "Just do it." Athena puffed her cheeks out and reluctantly did the bio-scan.

"She's alive and definitely human but her DNA is mixed with some other unknown DNA, probably of alien origin. I don't know how she came to be here but maybe we can get that information out of her. We better bring her along." Athena said

"Exactly what I was thinking."

"I know, I'm in your head, literally and figuratively, remember?" Chief let out an amused grunt as he hefted Samus onto his shoulder.

'I couldn't forget even if I wanted to.' Chief said to himself in his mind.

"Y'know you're almost as much of a smartass as that Johnson guy." Athena said in an amused tone. Chief made his way back to the core room. He laid a knocked out Samus on the floor and rigged the room with explosives. When he was done he he exited the building and made a mad dash for his Pelican.

He didn't have anything to cover the unconscious Samus in so making it to the heat insulated Pelican was his best hope of keeping her from getting hypothermia. Once inside he unfolded the table meant for wounded soldiers to be carried on. Fortunately it came with straps to keep the wounded soldier from thrashing around wildly and making it harder for the medics to do their job. Chief put Samus on the table and strapped her in

Once they were off the ground Chief detonated the explosives and sent the building crashing to the ground. A few hours after he left orbit he received an incoming transmission from The Andromeda.

"Chief, was the mission a success?" The voice of the fleet admiral sounded through the radio. Before Chief could answer Athena pipped in.

"You betcha admiral! We ran into some opposition in the structure but all in all, it went on without a hitch! We even brought a souvenir! And a very precious one at that!" She said. It wasn't the formal way of talking that he was used to but the explanation would suffice.

"Well hurry on back so we can take a look at this "souvenir" you brought along." The admiral replied as he closed the com-link between them. Chief let the Pelican fly itself on auto-pilot while he rested in his chair.


Author's Notes

Special thanks to Cstrange14 for motivating me out of my laziness and write this chapter.

Keep in mind; if I gave Samus her other power ups I would have to do that to Chief also and that would have been way too much work for me.

Well? How was it? My first attempt at a fight scene. I might come back to this one and completely rewrite the fight scene when Im better at it but for now it's the best that I could do. I have a question to you my dear patrons:

Is that how you write dialogue between characters? With a space in between them?

I usually write it in one paragraph. For now, while I wait for the answer I'll continue to write dialogue in one paragraph.

Thank you, my dear patron, for waiting patiently for the next chapter. I only hope that it doesn't disappoint you and have wasted you precious time. Well i better go off to sleep, it's like 2:26 am where I am now and my mind is a little foggy. Ciao!

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