||42||The Hasty Confession

Start from the beginning

"Did you know that the person he was going to take revenge from is us? Is that why you guys were interested in us?"

I shook my head in a negative instantly and begged her, "Hell no, for both. I affirm that I didn't know anything about that being you guys, although now I get how my dad got trapped in this whole web and how we did too,"

"Turning smart eh?" We heard a voice from the front with the gun pointed at Swara than me. I saw her freeze at her spot and turn pale as well as lifeless as she stared at the gun.

"Zain, no," I screamed at him as I pushed Swara behind my back to avoid her trembling figure.

"I am not listening to you again bro," Zain remarked with annoyance.

"You never did the first time either," I stated matter of factly which made him groan.

"Oh I did. I did believe that you are going to help me and made all the arrangements to know that you backed off,"

"SO you went and told my dad didn't you?"

"Absolutely, not like I had much choice left,"

"You did, you could have forgotten everything and lived with us happily, but no you wanted to go through his graveyard,"

"Well, too sad, you are going to pay for it either way," he threatened me and added slyly, "Her or your dad, think wisely, partner.

I felt Swara's muscles stiffen behind my back and a gasp escape from her lips while I looked at Zain with bored eyes. That was such a lame threat.



I glanced at Ragini's eyes which were filled with awe as I finished explaining her Sanskaar's past. We were on the other side of the basement, hiding in the other side of the stairwell.

"He always wanted revenge, didn't he?" She asked me with shock.

"I guess so, but now that he got all of us together, I don't know what is running through his mind," I told her dubiously as I watched out for the guards with the gun safely tucked away in my pockets. I hate that weapon, it makes me feel dangerous to myself.

"Please keep that 'thing' away," Ragini pleaded like she read my mind.

"Don't be afraid, I am not going to hurt you, it is just for protection as people who are hunting us have armed weapons,"

"Still, I don't trust it,"

"But you do trust me right?" I asked her with hope she would say her, but instead she remained calm which lit a burning fire in me.

"Ragini, do you trust me?" I asked her again as I lifted her chin to face her glittering eyes as she nodded her head finally in agreement.

"Then relax, I learned a few tricks from Sanskaar without killing anyone," I snickered humorously.

"How can you keep joking even at this time? Aren't you scared?" She asked me with frustration as she playfully hit my muscular and hot arm. Is that even possible? Hot arm? Oh well, I am hot, so anything will work.

"I hate to admit it, but my brother is extremely good with guns. He will defeat Zain in no time at all," I assured as I squeezed her hand.

"I am scared about Swara then, she has this extreme hatred for guns ever since Zain's kidnap," she told me with concerned eyes.

"Let's go find her,"

"Is it safe if we do that?"

"We don't have a choice and besides she probably needs us to steady her,"

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