A Strange Encounter

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It was a day after Marucho had found Aquos Elfin and Christina was bored. The others were out training while she was in her room looking out the window.

She then heard a faint sound of twinkling bells and she looked around in confusion before she decided to go take a walk.

Leaving a note for the others she grabbed her new gauntlet and put it in a small bag and headed out with a white cloak, putting the hood up.

As she walked through the forest she saw different flowers and went to examine them

While she was examining them however, she heard footsteps come up behind her " A lady shouldn't be wandering around the forest by herself, are you lost ? "

Oh crud ...

She knew who that was

OK Chris, stay calm. Remember what Ace told you last night before lights out ...

" Watch your back Christina. The Vexos will do anything to defeat the Resistance, so you must always be on your gaurd." Ace had said to her last night before she had retired to bed, " If a member of the Vexos approach you, stay calm. They don't know who you are so that makes you our wildcard. You don't have a Bakugan yet but always keep a gauntlet with you if you by chance find a Bakugan, that way if you get challenged to a brawl you'll be prepared "

Christina took in a deep breath and schooled her face into an expression of mild curiosity before turning to face the owner of the voice

" I'm not lost sir, I'm merely just a simple traveller admiring the forest's beauty ... " she lied through her teeth with a small smile " And you are ...? "

" Volt "

Christina nodded " I'm Aurora Lionheart, pleased to meet you "

Volt regarded her with a stoic expression

" So what's your reason for being out in the forest ? "

Volt looked suprised for a moment, then looked around and was about to speak when -

" Volt where have you been ?! " Both turned to see Gus Grav approach them - and he didn't look happy ...

" Why did I have to be paired up with you for this mission ? I'd rather be paired with Master Spectra - "

Gus had cut his rant short when he noticed Christina " And who may you be ? "

" Aurora Lionheart "

" And what is your business here in the forest ? "

" Just taking a stroll "

Gus glared at her slightly, but Christina didn't flinch

" Well I should be off and leave you guys be, " Christina said and walked away

When she got out of eyeshot of the two, she hid behind a few trees to see them talking - well, Gus was yelling.

" You fool !! That girl could be a spy for the Resistance !! " Gus yelled, obviously angry

Volt regarded him in that stoic expression of his and crossed his arms " If she was a spy, wouldn't she have challenged one of us by now ? " Volt asked cooly " Besides I didn't tell her anything about the mission we're on right now "

Christina listened in carefully

" There is rumored to be a powerful Bakugan hidden in this forest. We can't let that girl find it before us !! Do you want to be in trouble with Master Spectra if it manages to get in the hands of the Resistance ?! " Gus said

Volt rolled his eyes " I could care less about your " Master " and if you're so set on finding the mystery Bakugan then run along. I'm going to stay here in case something shows up here "

Gus glared at Volt and growled before stomping off.

Volt watched Gus go before looking around carefully. When Gus was out of ear and eyeshot Volt smirked and looked in the direction where Christina was hiding " He's gone kid, you can come out now ... "

Christina narrowed her eyes in suspicion and slowly approached him

" Thought you'd be listening in nearby, such a clever girl. You don't have a Bakugan do you ? That's why you were out here correct ? To find a Bakugan "

Christina slowly nodded

" Well if you find the mystery Bakugan first then it's all yours. If I find it then I'll find a way to get it to you without getting caught "

Christina crossed her arms " What's the catch ? "

" No catch kid. Now run along before Gus comes back and starts questioning you "

" Why are you helping me ? "

Volt had a faraway look on his face and got out a letter and handed it to her " Take this letter to the address on the envelope. It's important "

Christina looked at the envelope curiously " What does it say ? Volt - " she started and looked at Volt only to see that he was not there " He's gone ... "

Christina looked around before putting the letter in her bag.

Then she looked to see that the sun was starting to go down and decided to start heading back to base.

Little did she know she was being watched ...

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