Chapter 39

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  Kayln pov
I walked in the room to see Jordan in the hospital bed
me:Jordan are u OK
jordan.yeah I'm good
me:wat happened and where is Kaylee
Jordan . Jennifer was trying to get Kaylee but slim came and Kaylee is wit slim
I sat down in the chair beside her bed Jennifer dead
Jordan . honestly, ion know
the door opened and came in slim,Kaylee and swae
she ran to me and hugged me
me.i missed u so much
kaylee.i missed u to
I smiled
me.ok go talk to tt
I put her down and looked at swae, he looked like he was in deep thought.i walked over to him and sat in his lap
me.wats wrong boo
swae.nun just got a lot on my mind
me.tell me
swae . please don't get mad
me.i Won't
swae.well u kno Dat night I told u that we were going out but I didn't show up
I nodded slowly taking it in
Swae.well I slept wit some girl an she might be pregnant
I held my head down and sighed
me.well if she is u are going to be there for her and not be a dead beat.
he nodded
swae. love u MA
me.i love u to daddy
kaylee.thats my daddy mommy not yours
I looked at swae
swae.u a bad influence I'm not
he kissed me
swae.i love y'all so much
Kaylee.we love u to ugly
we laughed.
I love my family 👪

I kno it's short but I got a couple of questions.

do yall want the other girl to be pregnant  (comment)

if she is pregnant  do yall want a girl ,a boy or twins

and give me some girls,boys or twins  names 
love you all and if I see a name I like I'm gonna do a shout out to that person in my book.

love yall 😍😘😙

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