chapter 18

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Jimmy pov
I was trying to keep Kaylee quite but she already woke kayln up
Me:hey sis
Kayln: hey where swae at
Me:he went to the store to get u something to eat
Kayln.oh what's up wit u an swae ya'll ight
Kayln.we ight Tha usual
Swae. I'm back,I see u up
Slim. Nigg u got my food
Swae.our food
Slim. Same Thang
Kaylee. "making spit bubbles"
Swae.what my mini me doing "picking her up"
Kaylñ.being bad she not
Kaylee."sticking her tongue out
Kayln.told u
Swae. She ain't being bad
Kayln. W.e
Jordan's pov
Hey ya'll I haven't talked to ya'll In a minute. But any way I'm thinking Jimmy is cheating on me he's coming home late,lipstick on his shirts,& smelling like cheap perfume. So yeah I'm gonna talk to him today ,he's coming now.
Me.hey Bae
Me.jimmy I know you hear me
Jimmy. WHAT
Me.first of all who u yelling at second why u coming home late wit lipstick on ya clothes and smelling like cheap perfume.

What ya'll think gonna happen?
Is Jimmy gonna confess?
Let's find out

By Your Side (Swae Lee)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz