Chapter 8

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Authors Key: (F/D)= Favorite Drink

~3rd POV~

It was a busting morning in the Kirkland household at 10:30am. Both trying to look their best, and both in panick mode. 'Button down shirt or polo shirt? Or a vest? Argh! This is too confusing!' Arthur thought in his mind, aggravated at how much time he was taking up just trying to think of what to wear for the "outing". 'Blast it!' He thought to himself and picked

the vest, because he knew he was running out of time. Putting on his white shirt underneath, buttoning his vest and putting his trousers and polished shoes on. Running to the bathroom for final checks, he slightly combed his hair, and sprayed some cologne, not too much however, didn't want to be too strong scented. Looking at himself in the mirror one more time he smiled and said


(Y/N) was currently freaking out. She paced her room slightly biting her nails in the process in front of her bed. 'I have absolutely nothing to wear! I can't just wear Arthur's spare clothes he gave me the other day!' She looked over to the pile of clothes that Arthur left at her door a couple days ago. 'There has to be clothes at least some where, come on think!' She thought for a moment trying to get her mind moving.

Eyes glancing over to the dresser that was near the bathroom door, she had a hopeful flint inside her eyes. Walking up to the dresser, she found a single dress, that was beautiful. It wasn't too fancy but seemed more like a simple, but stylish, dress. 'I knew it! Ollie always had at least some spare clothes for me in here!' She carefully, but swiftly, grabbed the dress.

Cautiously putting it on, not wanting to rip it or cause any damage to the beautiful dress. Rushing into to bathroom, she grabbed the brush and neatly did her hair. 'Darn it, I really need to ask Arthur to go necessity shopping sometime soon.' She thought as she stared at herself in the mirror. Turning around a couple times, she stopped and smiled.


She walked to the door, taking a deep breath before touching the door knob, and walked out slowly. Proceeding to go down stairs, she's met with Arthur standing at the bottom of the stairs looking nice and

handsome for the date. Alerted by the noise, Arthur turns his head and his eyes widen at the sight.

"You look..." "I'm sorry Arthur I didn't have anything else but your spare clothes, and well, not that there's anything wrong with your clothes, but they were a bit baggy.." "It's alright love! It seems we'll have to go shopping sometime then." He said smiling to her. Suddenly, his face went from his usual healthy color, to a bright shade of pink, causing (Y/N) to look at him confused.

"A-ah, no love, it's nothing much.. It's just.. My mother.." "Oh I'm so sorry, I'll go change right away."

"No! It's quite alright, my mother, when she came to visit a while ago, brought that over and put it in that guest room you're in, and well I guess I forgot she put it in there." He said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh.. May I ask why she randomly put a women's dress in there? I mean not that I'm judging if you're into that kind of thing-" "No! Bloody hell no! She... Well... She said she'd keep it here.. If my.. G-girlfriend.. Ever wanted a dress.." He finished fiddling with his fingers, trailing off.

"O-oh... I see.." (Y/N) said, a faint blush coming upon her cheeks. This caused an awkward silence until Arthur broke the silence. "So, you ready to go love?" He said holding out his arm for her to link arms. "Of course Mr.Kirkland I'm certainly ready to see what's so good about this cafe." (Y/N) said hooking arms with him to walk to the car.

As they approached the car, Arthur pulled open the door for (Y/N), in which she commented "What a gentleman!" And got into the car safely. Once the two were in together, Arthur started the car, and turned on the radio. During that time, the two got to know more about each other. (Y/N) learned that Arthur's music interest was quite complex, ranging from hip hop to classical and blues.

As they arrived, Arthur stepped out of the vehicle, opening the door for the lady holding out a hand. (Y/N) took it gently and got out of the car, in which Arthur closed the door for her as well. Linking arms again, the two walked in comfortable silence, (Y/N) looking around, and Arthur slightly excited to show (Y/N) the cafe he oh so loves.

(Y/N) and Arthur walked into the cafe, working their way to the counter. "Ah! Arthur you came once again! And even brought a beautiful lady! Is this a date?" The barista asked. "Y-you bloody git, no, I simply just wanted to show (Y/N) the cafe." Arthur mumbled back, embarrassed. "Why, good morning (Y/N)! Pleasure to meet Arthur's future wife!" "Bloody hell!" "Pleasure to meet you as well." Arthur just let out a dramatic sigh.

"Haha! So the usual Arthur?" "Yes, please." "And for you (Y/N)?" "Oh I'll take (F/D) please." "Alrighty! It'll be out in a bit!" Arthur and (Y/N) walked back to the table and before (Y/N) could sit, Arthur pulled the chair out for her. "Arthur, I love this place already! It's so welcoming!" "Glad you like it (Y/N)."

"So, about earlier, do you know a day I could shop for the necessities? I really do need some stuff.." "Ah, why of course we could go after this if you would like." "Sure, why not!" The two were interrupted by the barista from earlier setting down their drinks they ordered. "One Early Grey Tea and one (F/D) served!"

"You two have fun alright, but not too much fun, if you know what I mean." The barista walked off before the two could say anything, leaving a blushing mess of the two. "I-I'm sorry (Y-Y/N) that you had to deal with that..." "O-oh no, I don't mind really.."

The two drank in silence. (Y/N) was just observing around her, while Arthur was quite squirmy and nervous, thinking 'I hope this doesn't ruin anything!' His thoughts are interrupted by her however. "This cafe is so calming..." "Yes, I used to come here after a stressful work day." The two continued on with their talking throughout their time, talking about

various things ranging from style, to food and restaurants. After around 3 hours, the two left leaving a tip. The two had long finished their drinks, they just had a very interesting conversation. After that, they went shopping at clothing shops, markets, etc.

(Y/N) during this time had gotten plentiful outfits, in which she didn't mean to but Arthur insisted that she gets what she wants, and payed with his money. She also got the girl necessities they were talking about earlier, in which Arthur had to stand out of the store.

When the two got home, they were a laughing mess, and exhausted. The two had so much fun, but this took a toll on their bodies. It was already 5pm, and the two thought about already going to sleep. (Y/N) thanked Arthur for the wonderful day and was about to go up the stairs to put her stuff away but stopped.

"Arthur." "Yes, love?" "Thank you for the date today." She quickly ran up to him to give him a kiss on the cheek, and just like she appeared, she disappeared, leaving a stunned Arthur behind. Catching up, Arthur touched his cheek gingerly and looked down completely red with embarrassment.

"You're welcome..."

Authors Note

I personally don't know much about cafe's or anything since I'm more of a fast food or restaurant person so I just thought about the little cafe Todomatsu worked at in Osomatsu-San. And I made the barista totally unknown because I wasn't sure if you would've preferred a girl or boy and didn't want to get too much into details about the cafe or anything, since I didn't want to add any boring details or anything so ;D

Stockholm Syndrome? (England x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें