of all the places in the world...

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both settled on a rooftop on the edge of the main city.
josh sat on a metal box and tyler joined him.
tyler laid his head on josh's shoulder like he did just hours ago.
josh smiled and wrapped his arm around him.
both looked out into the bright city, munching on their snacks, and on occasion, feeding it to one another.
"gosh... i wish we could just stay up here forever.." tyler said. "it's so beautiful... and the best part is, i get to spend it all with my favorite person in the world." he smiled and pecked josh's nose.
josh smiled and brought him closer. "me too baby boy,"
"i love you joshua dun,"
"i love you too tyler joseph," the two leaned in and shared one last kiss before tyler fell asleep on josh's lap.

anna sun *one shot!*Where stories live. Discover now