Hobby's (no rant( ^ω^ )yay!)

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That's pretty self explanatory isn't it?

1) I watch anime in my free time.
2) read creepypasta story's. I like them.
3) calling my self stupid. Just being realistic here!
4) read manga. I just like manga.
5) having long meaningful talks about anime.
6) drawing. It's fun to me. Especially oc making.
7) taking quizzes about hetalia. Romano dude.
8) watt pad. Just watt pad.
9)hetalia. Hetalia is lyfe. Half my brain is full of hetalia. The other is creepy pasta.
10) looking at anime pictures. Especially of Romano.
11) watching Harry Potter while drinking tea. Don't ask.
12) ruining my sisters life. What sibling doesn't though?

YAY. No rants this time!!! I succeed!! Are you proud of me? No? Well I am a useless piece of shit still but I wasn't annoying !! Kinda. March on potato soldier! ONION FAIRY YA TWAT!!!
Sorry. Again. Shit.

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