Chapter 2

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Beep Beep Beep. I slammed my hand on the alarm clock and got out the clothes I was gonna wear to school today. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth then headed back to my room.

I put on my black skinny jeans, a MCR shirt and my black beanie with my bracelets to cover the cuts I made not to long ago. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where everyone was eating. "Haley your up early" Maggie said. "Yeah I have School today" she laughed. "Haley your not going to school today" I shrugged I hate school anyway.

"be down at 3 and have your things packed" She said to me. "Ok but why" she looked around then said "everyone I have an announcement" everyone looked at her. "Only one of you were adopted and that person is Haley so have a good day at school" when she said that my face lit up. Someone adopted me.

I went upstairs and packed my things then decided to play my guitar. I started to play but it needs to be tuned.

I spent about an hour making sure everything was right with my guitar then decided to play again.

I started to play Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides. When I finished it was 1:45. I'll play one more song.

I started to play Always by Panic at the disco. "When the world gets too heavy put it on my back I'll be your levy" I sang along to my strumming.

"Blink back to let me know" I finished and then heard clapping. "You have an amazing voice" A woman said from behind me. I turned around and saw a lady with glasses and blond hair standing in my door. "I don't and if you don't mind my asking why are you here?" I said as I put my guitar down.

"I'm here to collect you were going to meet the other girls that have been adopted so get your things" she said and grabbed one of my bags. I grabbed the other and my guitar then followed the lady downstairs.

"Bye Haley" Maggie said. "Bye Maggie" I said as we got in her car. I hate Maggie I'm so glad I'm leaving now.

The car ride was silent and boring. I decided some music would help. I put in my earphones and the car stopped.

"Ok let's go" she said but I still had my earphones in so I was only half listening. I grabbed my stuff and we walked into a tall building then went up an elevator.

We walked down a long hallway then finally arrive at the door. "Ok there are two girls in there that are your new sisters so get to know each other I have to go call me if you need me ok?" I nodded and she opened the door for me to go in but handed me a card before she left.

Inside were two girls. One was taller than the other. The taller one had black hair with purple streaks and the other had just plain black hair.

I grabbed my iPod and switched the song that was on so Love Like A War by ATL was on.

The shorter girl with all black hair walked up to me. "Hi I'm Lainey nice to meet you" she said then hugged me. I was tense but then I hugged back. "I'm Haley nice to meet you too" I said then she dragged me to the taller girl. "This is Karen" she said then Karen looked up from her phone. "Hi I'm Karen nice to meet you" she said then also hugged me. What's with the hugging?

"So we're sisters now that's so cool!" Karen said as we all sat down. "I've never had siblings before" I said and paused my music. "Well now you do and it'll be great" Lainey said.

"Have you known each other before this?" I asked since they seemed like they have. "Yeah actually for 1 year we've been best friends" Karen said then Lainey said "we went to the same orphanage."

"That's cool so who adopted you?" I asked. "I've been adopted by Pete and her by Joe I'm pretty sure you were adopted by Patrick right?" Lainey said. "I'm pretty sure they didn't tell me by who but probably" I said then the door opened. A girl that had blond and brown hair walked in. We all walked up to her and smiled.

"I'm Haley this is Lainey and that's Karen" I said then we all hugged her. I feel like this adoption thing is gonna be great. "Hi I'm Rebeca nice to meet you" she said then we sat down.

"So did Andy adopt you?" Karen asked so Rebeca nodded. So Patrick did adopt me.

"Rebeca how old are you?" Lainey asked. "I'm 13" she said. "Me too how about you guys?" I asked. "I'm 12 gonna be 13 but Karen's 14" Lainey said. I nodded.

The door opened and our heads turned to see who it was. "Hello I'm Jason I'll be taking you to the airport" a tall guy with brown hair and brown eyes said.

"The airport what about the guys?" Lainey asked. "Oh there in Chicago they'll be picking you up at the airport tomorrow since the flight is gonna take all night" Jason said. I'm not a fan of flying but I guess I have to.

"Ok does everybody have there stuff?" I nodded and the other had there stuff in there hands. I grabbed my suitcase then we followed Jason. "Ok is everyone ok with pizza to eat before we leave. We all looked at each other and nodded. "Yeah" Karen said.

We all got in the car with Jason and he drove us to Pizza Hut. "You girls go find a table and I'll bring the food ok?" We nodded then found a table in the corner of the restaurant.

"Are you guys excited to be with the guys?" Lainey asked. I nodded. "I wonder if we all live together or if we all live alone" I said then someone said "you all live together so you can feel more at home." I turned around and Jason was behind me.

He put two pizzas on the table and we all ate. "Thanks for the food Jason" I said then finished my pizza. He nodded and the others also said thanks. "Ok we'll stop at the market and you guys can get drinks ok?" We nodded and got back in his car.

When we got to the store he gave us five dollars to find a drink. I got myself a Monster, Rebeca got a brisk tea, Lainey got a Pepsi, and Karen got a Dr Pepper. We got back in the car and Jason handed us something.

"These are your passports so make sure you don't lose them ok?" I nodded and he drove to the airport.

When we got there it was five minuets till boarding. "Ok you guys all have seats next to each other and your in first class. When you get to Chicago the guys will be waiting for you so you don't have to worry about that" Jason said but Karen asked "um how do we do this exactly?" So Jason answered "ok you'll go through security then go to gate five and the flight attendance will show you your seats have a nice trip bye" Jason said and waved.

"Ok guys I'm a little freaked out" I said as we walked up to the security. We all got cleared then the intercom came on. "Gate Five is now boarding"

"That's us let's go" Lainey said then took Karen's hand and mine. I took Rebeca's hand and we all boarded.

Me and Karen were sat next to each other and behind us were Lainey and Rebeca.

"Haley is it hard to put in your contacts?" She asked. I'm confused what contacts. "Karen what are you talking about?" I asked as she pointed to my eyes. "Your eyes are violet" she said and I laughed a little. "Karen my eyes are naturally violet, I had a birth defect so my eyes are violet, I can't have babies so I don't get you know, and I don't grow leg hair and yeah" I said and she looked me up and down. "Thad cool" she said and I smiled at her. I've never been told my defect was cool.

"So what do you wanna do for now?" Karen asked me. "Um we could watch tv right isn't that a tv?" She looked an nodded. "Ok do you want to watch The Dark Night or Home Alone?" She asked. I shrugged "there both good movies" I said then she put on The Dark Night. She got the earphones and put it facing out so we could both watch the movie.

When the movie was done I looked back and saw that Lainey and Rebeca were asleep. I looked over and Karen was asleep too so I decided I'll sleep. I put on music and slowly fell asleep.

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