Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

I was crying in an empty corridor. Why? I have been so happy. The happiest I've been in a long time. I pushed up my sleeve and looked at my cuts. I added more.

I stood up and punched the wall my pulled my hand back and I looked at my bloody hand. I don't care.

"Why?" I screamed.

"Fuck him!" I screamed.

I slid down and I curled into a ball. "Why?" I whispered.

I cried again and again. I fell asleep with surprisingly, no nighmares.

Draco's POV

Why did I have to do that? I decided to give Harry space. I cried. I tried pulling my hair out in anger. I'm so stupid!

"I'm so stupid!" I shouted at no one in particular.

"You are," I heard. I whipped around and I saw a group of 6th year Gryffindors. I backed away and realized I was trapped. They came closer to me and one threw a hex at me. I landed on the ground with a thud. I heard them laugh. I felt a foot make contact with my stomach. I winced in pain. Then another. And another. And another.

When, I thought it was over, I felt a jinx hit me. It caused so much pain. It felt like Sectumsepra. I felt a foot make contact with my face. Then another. Another.

Everything went black.

Harry's POV

I was still crying when I heard someone run towards me. I didn't give one fuck.

"Harry!" I realized it was Hermione. I looked up.

"Oh, Harry? What happened?"

"Draco kisssed the Greengrass bitch. Astoria? That one!"

"He didn't mean it."

"He didn't pull back! He kissed her, Hermione!"

"She probably forced him, Harry. He loves you. When I hang out with him, all he talks about is you. He's in the Hospital Wing!"

That perked me up. Is stood up quickly and ran to the Hospital Wing. I burst the doors open and frantically looked for him.

Madame Pomfrey came over to me. "I assume you are looking for Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter. He is in critical condition. If he was taken one second too late by Ms. Granger and Ms. Parkinson, I'm afraid he might've died," I turned to look at Hermione. Pansy has already next to her. I hugged them and whispered, "Thank you." I pulled back and turned to Madame Pomfrey.

"He has been hit by Sectumsepra two times. Sectumsepra once is fatal, let alone two. He is hanging on a thread. Not literally. He has also beem hit with a number of jinxes and hexes. He has been punched in the stomach for Merlin knows how many times and has been kicked in the face numerous times." She gave him a sad frown. She pointed to the corner of the room. There lie a motionless, grey eyed, blonde haired boy. I rushed over to him. I started to cry for the 10th time today.

It was my fault. If I haven't of forgiven him, he wouldn't be here. He wouldn't be close to dying. I took his limp hand in mine.

"I'm so sorry, Draco. It's all my fault. All mine. I have to tell you something. When I first found you playing your music that night, I was going to kill myself. You saved me. I need you Draco. I forgive you, okay? Just, come back. Please. If you're gone Draco, then I am too. I'll be gone. You are my life. As cheesy as it sounds. I love you so much," I looked down at my feet.

"Remember that date we went on? The one where we sneaked out into the Quidditch pitch? Where we looked at the stars? You showed me the Draco constellation. You said it never sets. That I could could see it year round. You promised me that you would never leave. I couldn't leave you even if I tried. Keep your promise now, okay? Please."

I looked at his chest to make sure his chest rose and fell.

I felt a wave of emotions and the world crushing down on me when there was no rise and fall of his chest.

"He's not breathing!"

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